New member
Plan on setting the 02 piped viper up for the winter soon...we have alot of wide open trails and there are some woods also where as I would be on/off the gas alot..I plan on keeping my 51/45 helix with silver secondary spring..should I use stock gearing? also, would it be ok to go alittle leaner than 165 mains?How about primary weights, what would be the best set up for all around perfomance as much as possible?Thanks guys
On snow a green secondary spring is all you need. Your present set up with 8ca,s will work well with stock gering. All you need to do is lighten up the primary. I think removing the inner rivet(.
& going down to a 2.4 in tip with a green secondary spring at 60 wrap will work fine.

New member
alright sounds good, now say if i wanted to run it 1000ft radar runs, woudl I put the silver secondary in or the green??
Nope; use the green for radar runs. Silver is for grass only.
New member
turk, is it best to go by slp's jetting specs?or can i go alittle leaner?