viper head gasket mod

viper 140

New member
Oct 10, 2006
is it possible to remove 1 layer of head gasket on a 2002 viper. i measure 1 layer to be .010"..i have squish measurment of .060" on the center cylinder and 120 psi in the cylinder.would still be able to run on reg fuel?? and what kind of power change would there be??.. the engine is bone stock!

heard of this being done, mtnviper claims hes run his with slp pipes and had no problems for 3 years, some claim its not a good idea
you can run the stock viper with one gasket, use permatex coper spray, shake it for an hour before using it, spray it empty upside down and store it laying on its side or upside down.

you will need to run super after this, compresion isnt too high but squish is tight.

ran this setup for about 2500 miles, from the day it was new.
The top and bottom layers are .010" each. The middle layer is a .005" shim.
You can run both outer layers with out the center shim, -.005
Or can run one outer layer with out center shim and top or bottom layer, -.015"
I have never tried using one outer layer and the center shim, -.010. Not sure how well the shim would seal next to the cylinder/head, since it dosn't have the sealing ridges stamped into it.
Like BETHEVIPER said, use copper coat, and always run good premium fuel.
So if you take off one of the outer layers (-.010), can you and is there any benifit to adding base gaskets like they do on the SRXs?
