
my friends is and so is my sx just add stud protectors, and go with a 1.375 stud, just make sure your track is nice and snugg about 2 fingers of play
you can not stud that track with the protectors in place. You would have to go to 8 tooth drivers or the track will hit the tunnel protectors.
humm weve had no problems, although from double ridding i have bottomed a couple of times so there is some black marks on the protectors, but on the preditor they actully have almost groves to fit protectors, you just have to place the protectors right.

although your running pretty close to the front exchanger.
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really should have 8 tooth drivers and tunnel and heat exchanger protectors to stud a 1.25 inch track, or the track will rub a lot AND you are dangerously close to the heat exchanger.
ya its pretty tight about a fingure between studs and heat exchanger, but its been 2 seasons and no problems yet, and i double ride
I'm w/yamaholic and Mr Sled. I studded my 1.25" predator w/1.325" studs and found it necessary to put in the 8 drivers which was on my 2000 srx7. SX and SRX may have different clearances. :dunno:
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