Transfer Rods Wich To Use? Srx ,viper?

srx dreamer

New member
Dec 20, 2005
taunton mass
I have recently installed the viper shocks in the rear of my srx I belive i need the adjustable transfer rods now. What do I order them for the srx or the viper?. It does not seem to sit higher should it look higher? or will it just have a lil more travel? Or does it not have enough spring pressure ? Im kind of lost setting up this rear suspension. any tips on how to set this up for a 200 lb rider for trail riding would be great, and what transfer rods I should use. :dunno:

thanks in advance.
thanks. whats the best way to set the springs close. I know u prob cant tell if they are to stiff or soft til u ride it. but im not sure where to start with them for a base line.
set your center spring fairly tight on the preload, run fra in the middle setting and set the rear spring preload to achieve a 50/50 control rod gap. You also want to find a balance between your center spring preload, front springs preload, and limiter strap length to get a balance between traction and ski pressure that you like.
How about an '02 viper skid in a '99 SRX... can the '99 SRX adjustable transfer rods be used in the '02 viper skid?
Jigg said:
How about an '02 viper skid in a '99 SRX... can the '99 SRX adjustable transfer rods be used in the '02 viper skid?

YES they definately can, they didn't change the transfer rod length until the 2000 srxs and mountain max's. Vipers have the same length as the 99 srx
yamaholic22 said:
YES they definately can, they didn't change the transfer rod length until the 2000 srxs and mountain max's. Vipers have the same length as the 99 srx

my sled is an 01 with viper shocks. should I order 98 and 99 srx adjustable transfer rods? since u say they are the same as the viper??????
srx dreamer said:
I have recently installed the viper shocks in the rear of my srx I belive i need the adjustable transfer rods now. What do I order them for the srx or the viper?. It does not seem to sit higher should it look higher? or will it just have a lil more travel? Or does it not have enough spring pressure ? Im kind of lost setting up this rear suspension. any tips on how to set this up for a 200 lb rider for trail riding would be great, and what transfer rods I should use. :dunno:

thanks in advance.

Maybe someone can confirm but I believe if you have a 00-02 SRX you will want either the viper control rods or the 98-99 SRX control rods as they are longer. If you want the extra travel then you need longer control rods. The stock rods will not allow the suspension to extend fully.
I added viper shocks to my 2000 srx
you need longer transfer rods, otherwise they bottom out on the bushing and don't allow the full rebound. ( threrefore sled sets jsut as high as original)

I made simple steel bushings to effectively extend the rods on the transfer rods. ( same daimeter as the rod, with thru hole for the end bolts. simply makes the rods 10mm longer. I then made ( you can buy) different plastic bushings to get the gaps just right. sit on the sled and measure the gaps after installing the extensions. you ideally want the same gap top and bottom. you end up thinning up the bottom and adding some width to the top.

I weigh 190 without gear. I set the fra to the stiff setting and on the first ride it was tippy. ( thought what have i done !! :dunno: )
i set the fra to the softest setting, giving a little more setin, and a softer ride on the supposedly "stiff" viper shocks and it rides AWESOME. corners on rails again and much more travel.

I flipped the front shock mounts over and then left to right. did some shimming and grinding to clear the shock ends. this raises the front the appropriate 1"
you can buy shock extensions too or use viper front shocks with new mounts.

5 turns of the limit straps made a difference in ski pressure vs. lifting a little out of the corners, so play with stuff on the trail and you will be amazed at how adjustable things are

I left the original spring preloads when installing. maybe backed off the front skid shock preload a little.......

hope this helps

I have two srx's both with viper shocks (2000 and 2001). If you want to do it right then buy the 98 rods, if you want to do it the way I did then take a nut and round off the egdes so its the same diameter as the top rod, then remove the bolt from the bottom of the rod, install the nut you just rounded off and but the bolt back in. The stock bolt is long enough. you can even make them longer by adding another nut but i'm using just one nut and it seems to do the trick.....also you have to add the plastic blocks to account for the extra length of the rod. this way the transfer will be correct. Also make sure you relocate you front shocks....go to haucks web page....they have them...the 2001 I purchased was done that way and I copied it for the 2000 I have. Also to answer you question.....I believe the 98 and 99 rods are the same. The 2000 rods are shorter but when you check out your sled you will see the rods are located more forward then they are a 99. I would just save yourself the pain of changing that rod and use the nuts....
I will concider that option and it alot cheaper then spending a 129 bucks on new rods. and wish i changed the rods when i had the track and skid out. Thanks alot. I just got ohlins for the front I think im gona go with the ft adjustable mounts from hauk. Thank u very much!
I found some real cheap. It does not specify a year though it says they are 11 in, in total length. Says 97 and up pro action. does any one know if there are the long ones?
