Crank Recall On 99's

triple said:
hum........ i wonder? and how to know if it's been done?
If it was done previously your VIN number will track it through your dealer, but it was mostly isolated to the 98's I have heard of a 99 here and there but it may have only been BS. If you have access to a dial indicator, you can pull off the primary clutch and check the runout on the crank itself. If I remember right in 98 if it was less than .006 they where leaving it alone, but check with your dealer as I am sure they can find that exact spec out for you.

My 98 was out .009 and I fealt definate vibe's with my feet in the stirrups as well as the hands on the bars.
I was under the understanding that if you complained about it, they would fix it wheather it was an 98 or 99.. As far as the .006 reading,,,Yamaha left it up to the dealers to decide,, and the dealers could say anything they wanted to Yamaha because Yamaha never sent an investigator to check,,,,, so,,, you could get your 99 crank done for free if the dealer wanted to do the job!!! As far as still being under warranty,, i'd have to ask one of my friends (who is a Yamaha dealer),,, But,, he's going to NOVI this morning and he probably has a MILLION things in his head!!! So,, lets ask next week!!! gary Oles nosboy
Nosboy, when you find out if Yamaha will still cover it can you PM me and let me know? I have an issue with mine and would like to have it fixed under warranty if possible.
I just got off the phone with my friend and he told me that it was JUST THE 98's that were part of the warranty repair.. He said it DID NOT AFFECT the 99's.. he's been a YAMAHA dealer for 25 years.. I had a 99 that was more than .006 out and I took it to Ron and Brian in Waukegan, Illinois and had brian weld it together for me.. Yes, I had to pull it out myself and I had to pay Brian for welding it and straightening it. ( I think it was around $150.00) but I sprayed that motor with around 75HP of NITROUS,, so,, welding my crank was NECESSARY!!!! I'm sorry about the BAD NEWS,, but,,, "thats the way the mop flops"!!!) Gary Oles nosboy
