2000 SRX Loss of Power


VIP Member
Nov 19, 2004
Manhattan, IL
At the end of last season my buddies 2000 SRX started losing power almost as if it was missing, it wouldn't die but bog down and would barely move. Then it would be fine for a while and then repeat it over again. We bought a spark tester and are getting a really good spark so I think that rules out coils or CDI, but before we start tearing the whole thing apart I thought I'd check and see what you guys thought we should check. We also disconnected the TORS and no change. Any Ideas????? :o|

T.o.r.s i would say but sense you disconected it, did you drain the gas and refill, maybe water in gas, i would do all the simple stuff first.
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i dont think so last year at service and aparently during the riding season prior i had a broken cable and a stuck valve. the sled ran fine only after fixing it did i notice a difference in performance.
