I got the old suspension out and now Im ready to put the new one in. Do I need to remove all the support plates? I do have a template that I made on autocad but I'm not sure if the mesuments are from the center of the drive shaft or the leading edge of the drive shaft? And can I reuse the old support plates or do I need to get different ones?
New member
tthe stock rear plate gets used in the stock location, but with a new hole. the center plate gets moved forward appx. 7" and the front plates arent used. the measurements are from the centerline of the driveshaft and the inside of the tunnel for the height measurements. the old support plates will work good, the tunnel widths are within 1/16", so no need to change them if they will work. if your not sure about anything i should be able to stop by after thursday to help out, swiss cheese tunnels arent as cool as they use to be! lol!
Hey n2oiroc, another question I have is how do I find the center of the drive shaft? And how did you do your mesurements? I guess what I'm asking is can you stop over and show me how to do this? I will suppy the beer. As of right now Friday is wide open for me. I live is Franklin. I have this templete made up but I just don't see how it is going to work. Thanks
New member
its hard to explain this stuff, but easy once you get a visual. it is a lot easier and more accurate with the track and driveshaft out. p.m. me you name and number and ill give you a call, and we can figure out a good time to get it done.
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