I took the Viper out for a rip yesterday in my back yard. This sled is faster than I excpected. The problem is is that I could only go 100 feet and slow down fast or run out of room. After I would slow down turn around and hammer down it would bog bad, so I got off the gas and eased into it, then hammer it and it would go like hell. Any idea what would cause this bog?
Active member
the throttle cable is probably set too tight which makes the tors (throttle over ride system) operate, causing your bog. Loosen the throttle cable some and see what happens. Also, make sure your carbs are clean (mains, pilots, and needle jets). A clogged pilot could also cause your condition, depending on exactly what it is doing.
How about no backshift. Depending whether or not you locked the track when slowing down, that is. Happened frequently with mine until I replaced the secondary spring with a green at 70. Just another possibility for you , good luck

I don't think its a backshift problem, I didn't go fast enough for it to shift. I'm going to call the dealer where I baught the sled and find out if they cleaned the carbs and power valves.
I talked to the dealer, he said its running rich because of the temp. Its just above freezing here so maybe he's rite. He also said the carbs were cleaned but not the power valves. Could dirty power valves cause a bog?
If you went 50 feet on the throttle hard, it shifted.Your speedo was probably reeding a lot faster than you were actually going.
I was going to suggest that the motor wasnt warmed up yet either.
I was going to suggest that the motor wasnt warmed up yet either.
anyone ever hear a clicking sound in theres on the grass? I presume it is from every third window being closed so its hitting the clips. Track tension is to spec BTW
I think your rite, I only rode for 15 min so it was probably not warmed up enough. I was to excited to look at the speedo so I cant say for sure if it shifted. But it felt responsive turning around, I'm pretty sure it was in low gear when it bogged.
Sno-Xr said:If you went 50 feet on the throttle hard, it shifted.Your speedo was probably reeding a lot faster than you were actually going.
I was going to suggest that the motor wasnt warmed up yet either.
Look for black marks on your clutch sheaves . . .
Concept Carbon
New member
it will bog until it warms up, whens the last time you changed your plugs, and check your throttle cable
I just baught the sled from the dealer. They said it was ready to go. I havn't checked anything in detail. This was my first time on the sled. The snow here is all gone so I will have to wait for some colder weather to ride again. I may check the power valves in the meentime. But I think it was just too warm out and the sled was not warmed up enough.
Active member
if it was just above freezing it wasn't too warm that it would be running rich enough to make it have a "bad bog". It is very unclear to know exactly what you are describing. Bad enough to stop the sled or just a little hesitation when you clamp on it? Big difference.
Bad enough to stop the sled, I thaught it would stall.
New member
if it's that bad I would say it's the TORS. Try loosening the throttle cable a little.
This sled has a throttle position sensor. Does it also have tors? If so how do they work together? And what axactly is tors?
Active member
Wait until there is more snow and you can ride it some more. My S runs fine 20 below or 45 above.
New member
tors stands for, throttle over ride system