ported srx = jets size


Active member
Oct 15, 2006
anyone know what size jets ported srx700 1998 run ?? atleast some close idea :o|

that would all depend upon the porting specs, and there isnt anyone that can tell you exactly what your motor is gonna need and be anywhere near correct. The differances in porting specs affects the way the engine runs and delivers power.
I ran one size down on the mains from stock with my Bender trail ported cylinders. 147.5,147.5,148.8, and one size up (45's) for pilots, just for you to use as a reference.
DO NOT run someones elses jetting specs, do plug chops, and read the spark plugs and piston wash off the stock jetting and work up or down from there. You cant base anything off someone elses because you 2 most likely dont have the same or even close porting specs!! Remember, I didnt give you any numbers when it burns down from using the incorrect information!
it just to know if people make a big jump in size jets or if they are still close to the original jets ...cause i know in those 4 wheelers banchi they make a real huge step in jets size ... well i try bigger and then will see what happend with plugs and wash..i just wanna make sure not to burn a piston
plug/piston wash is the only way to know, you use someone elses jetting and the porting could be way different, the altitude, air pressure, temperature almost certainly will be, it's bad new. Expensive bad news. Just fork out the $50 and get a decent jetbox going, start WAY fat, and work your way down. If you spend 2 days rejetting 'cause it's burbly rich, who cares really, it's better than squeeking a motor.
