found a 700 mountain srx


New member
Feb 7, 2006
quebec, canada
well ive been looking to extend my srxs track that i have so it got me looking around ,i found a 1998 srx 700 for 2500$ canadian it has 15000km is this a good deal? is there any problems about this sled i should be aware of?
any info appreciated
Make sure the crank was trued and welded, and check compression. Otherwise it seems cheap. Maxdlx
awesome..they guy told me reason for getting rid of it was because. he has 2 other srxs and a venture.. but with the 136 track will i loose top end speed?
yes a mountain srx will have a little less top end than a 121", given the same setup, just because of the added rotating mass and wind drag of the longer, heavier track with taller lugs. The clutching and gearing is also different. I like those mountain srxs though.
I had SRX,s & mountain srx,s. The mountain srx is a good 10-15 mph slower at least.
the MSRX is geared lots lower. it also has twice the lug height stock, and lots more drag on the skid. 15mph slower is doing pretty good.
with a decent set-up they can be damned close in speed to a 121", but at that point they've lost the deep snow ability and you have to ask yourself why you didn't just go with a 121 in the first place.
well i checked the machine tonight..very clean only thing was that the compression was 115-120-115 is this good? or does it need new pistons and rings?
cool thanks for all the help going to call the guy tommrow and pick it just change the rings and have a dealer inspect it for me
