Chips In A Viper Cylinder


New member
Aug 19, 2006
Livonia, MI
Well before puttin my cylinders back on today, I noticed my MAG cylinder has 2 chips in at after 2000 miles. It was completly stock for those 2000 miles. Anyone else have this problem????? And who do you guys rec. to send it out to for replating???? I was thinking U.S. Chrome. Lets hear some feedback
how big and deep are the chips. if they are small enough, and they don't catch your finger nail when drug across them, just hone it. Maxdlx
The biggest chip is .065L x .110W and the smallest is .050L x .090W all measured in thousanths, using paper and a lead pencil, then measured with veriner caliper. The depth of them look just past the the plating and both catch my finger nail. Not looking good and dont feel safe running with my pipes, so more than likley theyll get replated.
get ahold of Rich at richmotorsports, he has the best price on replating, and they do a great job. Maxdlx
If you can feel them or they are in the section where the ring runs, you need to repair it(replate it) as over time it will peel more and more away and the plating is very hard and will eat the crank bearings for lunch!!
So I did some thinking last night, what do you guys think on sending all 3 three out to be replated cause I'm to the point now I'm willing to cough up the cash. To make this sled right and realible, cause I'm not wanting to tear this down for a long time. You guys think I should send all 3 out?????
I would have them checked with a barrel mic and NOT a caliper!!!! As far as the chipped cylinder goes.. FIND OUT WHAT got in there (if you can) and take it from there.. USUALLY cylinders don't chip for no reason!!!!! That plating is some HARD STUFF and it really isn't BRITTLE like hard stuff usually is!!! there is NO REASON to replate something that doesn't need replating.. YOU HAVE TO measure it properly and a dial caliper isn't PROPER ENOUGH!!!!! Don't use OLD PISTONS when replating cylinders!!! buy yourself a set of NEW PISTONS with NEW RINGS and MAKE SURE you ASK the replater what kind of rings to use... Some plating is different that other plating and requires different rings..steel, chrome moly,chromed rings,etc,etc,etc,... i have ran into different companies using different rings.. wiseco uses different rings than YAMAHA does... And I am sure there are other piston manufacturers out there... Ask the REPLATER!!! He knows best!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
At 180 a cylinder, and the mag cylinder being the one that runs hot. Id just do the Mag jug. The other 2 are probablly fine. maxdlx
Make sure you listen to my friend Mr viper!!!! FIND OUT WHERE those little pieces of nikasil went to!!!!! That is some TOUGH STUFF and if it gets between a race and bearing,, that motor will LOCK UP SOLID!!!!! OR DESTROY everything in that area and you'll be looking for a new motor,,,not just a crank!!!!! gary Oles nosboy
that word PROBABLY scares the shit out of me!!! I'd make sure (at least measure) before I put a bunch of money in a motor!!!! You could probably get a whole jug for the price of replating (on ebay),,, but,,, maybe you would have to send tht one out for replating.. The carpenters have an expression around here.. Measure twice and cut once!!! I don't know if that makes any sense to you,,, but,,, check it out first!!! What will it cost you??? a few more gaskets and a few sets of rings IF EVERYTHINGS O.K.???? gary Oles nosboy
nosboy said:
Make sure you listen to my friend Mr viper!!!! FIND OUT WHERE those little pieces of nikasil went to!!!!! That is some TOUGH STUFF and if it gets between a race and bearing,, that motor will LOCK UP SOLID!!!!! OR DESTROY everything in that area and you'll be looking for a new motor,,,not just a crank!!!!! gary Oles nosboy

Finding out where those 2 tiny peices will not happen. Im not ripping my whole bottom out for those 2 peices if ya read above you would need to microscope the whole bottom end of the motor just to find the 2 peices. The biggest chip is not little its tiny. Ill risk that, you may not think its a good idea but I have delt with this with my bike and never once tore the whole bottom end down to find the peices and the bottom end is still all orginal never once been rebuild. But I will be turning the motor up side down and blowing it out with high pressure air.
A lot of people do things a lot of different ways, and SOMETIMES I can respect that.. There is a STORY behind EVERY damaged part... Nikasil cylinders usually dont just "come apart" there USUALLY is a pretty good story behind it... i have learned that a picture is worth a thousand words... I would rather do it "right" (what i consider right) than do it twice!!! it usually takes a few MONTHS to get stuff together when i scatter the racecar motor,... Thats 2 months with NO RACING!!!! yes, i pull my motor apart "just to look at it" even when it runs FINE!!!! There are tell-tale signs when something is going to come apart!!! I DO PUSH my stuff WAY PAST ITS LIMIT,,,BUT,,, I've been doing that ALL MY LIFE!!!! It only takes me a couple of hours to split the case halves and CLEAN and inspect the whole motor seal to seal!!!! A half dozen cans of brake cleaner and a pint of 2 stroke oil and a tube of yamabond is all I need (also a couple of Coca Cola's in the glass bottle from Mexico) and some GOOD ROCK AND ROLL on the BOSE!!!!! But,,on the other hand,,, i put the 440 motor together FLAWLESSLY and i took it out and THREW TWO RODS out the sides of the motor and DESTROYED a block,crank,and my BRAND NEW $6000.00 HEADS!!!!! so there you go!!!!! gary Oles nosboy (shit still happens!!!!)
Say I do tear it apart will I need any special tools or have to replace any gaskets or anything. Someone walk me through the process. Thanks
312-617-0303 Thats my cell phone number its on 24/7...PLEASE replace ALL the gaskets.. I have a thing about re-using gaskets that have been already compressed!!!!!. It throws off the torque specs and doesn't do the rebuild ANY JUSTICE!!! The only thing you MAY NEED is the dial indicator to reset the timing.. i will send you mine IF you promise to send it back to me without destroying it!!!! The normal METRIC hand tool set, a few single edge razor blades and a BUNCH of cans of CRC brake cleaner... Use the red label NOT THE GREEN!!!! The red is trichlorethlyene (sorry about the spelling) and the green is some BAD/CHEAP paint thinner!!!!! A gasket set and a tube of YAMABOND. I forget the number, but go to Yamaha and ask the dealer Maybe Yamabond 5????? Keep away from that hi tack or copper coat stuff and replace the gaskets with NEW and MAKE SURE you follow the torque sequence!!!! If you have never went through a sled motor before,,,ask someone for the book!!!! I may have a book at home, I'd have to look... if you lived around Chicago i could teach you how to TWEEK the timing to BEAT all your friends,,, but you need EGT sensors in your exhaust and adjustable main jets to do that... The motors USUALLY don't last too long when you start advancing the timing and leaning them out!!!! But,, on the other hand,,, you will BEAT all your friends with the same sleds!!! (and beat them BAD TOO!!!!!) BUT,,, thats another story!!!! Gary Oles nosboy
