skid relocation 136 to 144?


VIP Member
May 2, 2003
02 Viper 121"
tracks usa 136 extensions
can I do a skid relocation to go to a 144?
or is the 4" way to much and I will stab the track?

from personal experience, (121 to 141 skid relocation with rail extensions) I wouldn't do it again! It is possible and you could do it but.........the sled will likely ride terrible, the probability that you will stab the rail through the track is high because of the situation, and your satisfaction I believe will be low. Do yourself a favor and buy a longer skid and be done with it. (only my opinion, others please comment)
You won't get the same footprint as you would with a 144 skid. In fact it won't be much different than a 136 except it will just be farther back, making the sled longer. The issues stated above are very true as well.
