Srx 2001 Engine problem!! Dunno what to do :(


New member
Mar 2, 2004
Baie-Comeau, Québec
(UPDATE) Srx 2001 Engine problem!! Dunno what to do :(

hi Guys!! Its been a long time since my last visit here :)

Well, first, sorry for my bad english, i'm french, un québecois :) hope you understand my story!

At the start of the season, last year, i did experienced some performances problems with my SRX.. .no top speed (can't reach 100mhp), the rpm was not right (7800 8000). I did check all i can but didnt find the problem. I did bring the sled to the dealer but like always, they did repair alot of thing that wasnt parts of the problem (changing spark plug cap lol, they always changes these spark plugs cap and it change nothing to the problem)

ANyway, soon after this, the engine did die. Well almost. It acted like he was running on one cylinder but the three spark plug had fire on it. .I had no power at all. SO, i was thinking that it was probably a compression problem. A piston /ring problem

Well, i did put my sled in the garage for the rest of the season because i had no more money to spend on it...

Finally, i did open the engine last week to discover that all three cylinder, piston and rings are like new !!!!! The only thing that can be wrong is the crankshaft. 2 bearings in the middle seems to not work as freely as the others.. But i don't think my performance and rpm problem came from here?? it cost alot to rebuild theses crankshaft!!

WELL now, i suspect my CDI Box to be in fault, So, i ask you, what you think about this problem?? it is an electrical problem, a crankshaft problem or both or something else??

thx for reading
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Hi man !

If I were you I`d check the seals on the crankshaft, there is one on the clutch side (PTO seal, PTO= power take out) and one on the flywheel side (behind the starter rope-mechanism) , it`s easier to check them if the engine runs, just spray start gas onto the seals while the engine idles, if the idle changes then you have a blown seal making the engine suck false air.

If the engine doesn`t run then it`s a bit more complicated assuming that you don`t have the special tools, a clutch puller and a flywheel puller. (you have to remove the clutch to inspect the seal, same goes for the other side).

I might be way off but this is just a good tip, can cause major problems and is easy to check.

If not it might have something to do with your ignition, since the pistons and cylinders were OK. Wierd about your crank bearings, but they can`t make your engine run on one cylinder so I doubt that the bearings are your problem.

Did you check your carbs?.
kimoaj said:
Hi man !

If I were you I`d check the seals on the crankshaft, there is one on the clutch side (PTO seal, PTO= power take out) and one on the flywheel side (behind the starter rope-mechanism) , it`s easier to check them if the engine runs, just spray start gas onto the seals while the engine idles, if the idle changes then you have a blown seal making the engine suck false air.

If the engine doesn`t run then it`s a bit more complicated assuming that you don`t have the special tools, a clutch puller and a flywheel puller. (you have to remove the clutch to inspect the seal, same goes for the other side).

I might be way off but this is just a good tip, can cause major problems and is easy to check.

If not it might have something to do with your ignition, since the pistons and cylinders were OK. Wierd about your crank bearings, but they can`t make your engine run on one cylinder so I doubt that the bearings are your problem.

Did you check your carbs?.

Hi!! Well, like i said, i did open the engine with my friend. THe crankshaft sit on the table right now. i didnt really pay attention to the seal but i will check. For the Carbs, i didnt check myself, the dealer did (its what they told me)

What about the CDI box, since its a 3d ignition?? The fire on the spark plug act weird, even with fresh new spark plug. Its why i suspect the CDI box!! If i'm right, its this little box who control the fire on the sparkplug?
If it is electrical a lot of times it can be the stator. CDI box controls powervalve operation so that is a possibility. Check for bare wires touching metal. If it is electrical unfortunately the only way to really fix it sometimes is to keep changing parts till it works again.
Turk said:
If it is electrical a lot of times it can be the stator. CDI box controls powervalve operation so that is a possibility. Check for bare wires touching metal. If it is electrical unfortunately the only way to really fix it sometimes is to keep changing parts till it works again.

what control the timing of the fire?? the cdi box ??

changing parts until it works is a good idea but i have no spare parts.. Buying these parts new and not knowing if it will solve the problems is a bit risky!! So,
you think i should check my stator?? My handwarmer doesnt warm at all, only a little. My dealer didnt find the trouble. They said its probably a stripped wire under the engine but now that i have removed the engine, the wire under the engine is fine.. Does the CDI box control the handwarmer too?!?

Is the CDI box only controlling the valves??
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yamyrider said:
hello fortress,

explique toi en francais ci tu veux. Mon francais ecrit fait pitier ....I will do my best.

Salut tu peux répondre en anglais, je le comprend bien! Alors, peux tu me dire ce que la boîte électronique CDI fait en dehors de controler les powervalves??? Est-ce qu'elle contrôle le feu des bougies??
Oh sorry I thought you only removed the pistons & cyls without taking out the motor:).
But I should have understood that since you asked about those bearings;).
In my area we allways have a buddies sled that we can borrow electrical parts from. You try em out to see if it solves any problems. Do you have any other buddies with a 01 sRX you can borrow a stator or cdi from?
Turk please correct me if I ma wrong but the CDI controls the firing and timing of the machine. this was one of his questions.
This is in a nut shell but the CDI have ot have the proper input in order to produce the proper output to the coils.
yes the cdi controls the timing of the ignition, and could very possibly be the problem. But as turk said could also be coils, stator, bare wire shorting out, etc. My buddies viper had the TAILLIGHT short out once and the sled wouldn't run. Took quite a while to find a problem like that. ;)!
Sounds to me like the same problem my dad was having with his Vmax, The weights and rollers were shot and it wasn't allowing the clutch to fully engage like it's supose to. We did all the same things, CDI, Carbs, Shorts, Secondary Clutch, Compression and everything else we could think of except the Primary Clutch. Same thing was happening to my moms Venture, she was like " It's not reving and I can't get past 75 MPH. We pulled the Clutch apart and the rollers, pins and weights were shot.
Are you positive the plugs are good? When the clutching is off, and lugs the motor, it usually runs rich, and burns alot of plugs. Just because you pull them and they spark, does not consitute a good plug. under load they may missfire.
If replacing the plugs does not fix, then the stator should be looked at. Do a resistance check. Also sounds like the primary spring could be broken/bad.

Try these things, see what ya find, Steveo
My handwarmer doesnt warm at all, only a little.

There ya go!! I should have read more throughly!!!

A very very possible lead. disconnect the hand warmers, they are probablly bad, causing a short. This would pull the voltage to the cdi box low causing all kinds of problems like you described. It may be too late and you may have cooked a couple of the stator windings, if disconnecting the warmers does not fix the problem, you may need a stator, or have a corroded power connection. ussually easy to spot, looks black/ melted

Crankshafts that are bad usually don't cause a loss of power, they cause a loss of you motor. Things make alot of noise for a smalll period of time, then go bang!

Find a new dealer to get repairs done! M2C.
hi guys!! thx for all your help!! (sorry again for the bad english)

Ok i will update the info on this problem.. First, my srx now doesnt even run ok on idle.. Like i said, when i start it, it act like he is running on 1 cylinder. Its not a clutching issue. Its something electrical or an engine issue.

For the performance problem i had before the engine "die", it was not caused by the clutch or a bearing or something else. I did check all the area of this sled myself and the dealer too and we didnt find the problem.

Like i said, i was thinking it was caused by a bad piston or ring but all 3 pistons/rings/cylinders are like new

Now for the crankshaft. It doesnt seem to be out of phase. The only problem is 2 bearings that seems to not move as freely as the others. THe crankshaft is on his way to a crankshaft rebuilder for an evalutation. But it don't explain the fact that the engine did die suddenly.

For the handwarmer, it is not caused by a bad handwarmer. It has been verified by the dealer. The handwarmer heat but just a little, sometime more than other.. The dealer said to check the wire under the engine but now the engine is on the table, the cable wire doesnt seem to be worn out. I will remove the tape completely and check. One of the hand warmer is totally new. i Had this problem since i i did bought did sled

For turk, in my area, its very rare to see another SRX in the trail! Yamaha are not very popular here. Only Ski-doo and polaris. I can't find another one to try out some parts. :( i will check with the dealer but i doubt he can help with the CDI

in conclusion, i will check for the stator, bad wire, cdi plug.. :( hope to find the problem. But before that, i need to wait for my crankshaft and see what the rebuild shop think about it

(how can i test the stator ???????)
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Useing an ohm meter check resistance of every wire. Positive at one end, negative at the other. Wiggle the wires as you are checking. There should be zero resistance at all times. You can check the plug wires like this to, but a plug wire will have resistance 0-.05 is good, Any more than that chances are the wire is bad. There could be a bad wire that you can't see. It happens all the time on vehicles, It can be very time consuming to find. At least then you know. Hope this helps. Good luck.
If you think rebuilding the crankshaft is going to fix your problem you are going to br dissapointed.

The dealer said they checked the hand warmers that don't work properly, and said they were O.K. This points to shorted parts, or corroded connections. They may have gotten worse too the point of causing your current problem, But what do I know, I'm only any industrial electrician.

Let me ask you this? Did the dealer fix the problem?
Well then you keep listening too what they have to say, I'm sure they know what they are doing.
