Easiest way to change the chain case lube


New member
Oct 5, 2004
What are some of the tricks for doing this job. Is it hard to do? Do the Pipes have to come off? How often should this be done?
I change mine evrey fall when I prep the sled for winter. I remove the cover and let it drain out the bottom. When the cover is off you can inspect the chain and gears.

I siphon it out when it is in my heated garage, and then use a turkey baster with a piece of tubing on it to remove the rest.
id pop the case liek VT said cause then u can check the chain and the bottom bolt to make sure its tight. i have on back out and its not fun. that shaft is liek rockwell 65 and a tap i only like rockwell 60 so it cant be retaped.
Why wouldnt you just use the drain plug thats on them? its right there inside the tunnel and doesnt make a mess, drain it and refill with fresh ATF. No reason to make a simple job difficult.
Change & inspect

Don't just change it, remove cover and inspect things out and adjust the chain while at it and then reinstall cover and fill…Better now than –20…
remove cover and inspect, but drain first with the drain plug. then you cold fill it up with atf and buy one of those oil hose attachments, the ones that screw on to the top of a oil jug and has a shut off built in with a 12" x3/8" pvc hose that is easy to fit in your oil fill hole. Or get a smal funnel.
Chain case drain bolt

Reach up under the sled while looking at the chaincase cover...feel for the axle shaft pull you finger toward the tunel and down a little...there you go it's that one...you can only feel two bolts the other one is the mountbolt for the lower chaincase...I would send a pic but connot get camera in there...Hope this helps
Missing Magnet

When you pull the dipstick out of the chaincase make sure your magnet is still attached to the end..Mine was missing, when I pulled the cover off to see if it was inside the case you would not believe the mess..The gears had crushed most of the magnet up into small pieces and they had attached to the lips of the bearings inside the case..Some bigger pieces were still sitting on the bottom of the case waiting to be crushed...If this is a comon problem with these dipsticks it might be a good idea to remove the magnet before it falls off..This happened on a 97 V-max...
theblues said:
Reach up under the sled while looking at the chaincase cover...feel for the axle shaft pull you finger toward the tunel and down a little...there you go it's that one...you can only feel two bolts the other one is the mountbolt for the lower chaincase...I would send a pic but connot get camera in there...Hope this helps

I learned something new today, thanks, just goes to show your never too old.
People are saying to refill with ATF. Is this Automatic Transmission Fluid? Just wondering. I never heard of using that.
