Free Play Rotating Secondary


Sep 21, 2006
I've noticed a lot of free play in my secondary when I rotated it back and forth. If you watch the top of the sleeve it moves about 3" from stop to stop. If you pull the break and repeat the test it only rolls about 1/4-1/2", which would be typical play caused by rotor key and secondary spines. Chain tensor is adjusted so its finger tight.

Is this normal on a machine with reverse?

I have HEARD that this is normal on a machine with reverse, but that is not first hand experience. Someone else should know for sure. If you weren't sure you can always pull the chaincase apart and check it out just to be sure.
Our '01 VM dlx has rev. and it's got alot of FP like you said.

and the chain is finger tight, i think it's normal but could check it out
and pull the cover..
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there is a lot more freeplay on reverse models. how much rotational should you be looking at on non reverse sleds?? would be a quick check to see if chain is tighty?
Good post wanted to know the same thing. Bought a vmax dlx has a lot more freeplay then my non-reverse srx. I'm begining to think it's normal.
Awsome, thanks for all the replies folks. Sound like this is normal, another concern put to rest.
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It is needed so you can get it into reverse. It is on all reverse models. Maxdlx
