Changing Track and Bearings


New member
Feb 19, 2004
Verona, WI
I am changing the track on my 02 Viper and want to replace the bearings. Does anyone know for sure which ones I should change and the part #'s of these? How many bearings need to be changed. I have never done this before. I have the procedure from the tech side, so all I need to know is which bearings to order, part #'s would be a huge help.
Thank You.

Loosen the track and spin the wheels, If they are noisy or feel rough replace them. If not I would not change them. I think you have to change the wheels and bearings as an assembly on the Viper. The bearings do not press out from what I have heard. You need to call your dealer to get the right bearings. I also heard that cat wheels will work and they have pressed in bearings that are replacable. If you do have pressed in bearings there should be a part # stamped in the outer bearing race. You may have to press it out to see it. If there is you don't have to go to Yamaha, just call your local parts store with the part #.
Woodydog said:
The bearings I am wondering about are the ones in the chaincase, drive shaft etc... Thanks
That is what I thought you meant! did both SX600 & 700 this summer just go to any website that sells yamaha parts look up the "track drive" 1&2 there is one behind the speedo under your clutch one on the jack shaft behind the secondary clutch & man I cannot rember in the chaincase I know I had to buy a small inside puller to get the one out that is inside the outer case! & get new seals that go behind the chaincase too! Write down the part #'s & Email Rich here on the site & he will give you a better price than anywhere else I have ordered from & his shipping is VERY fair! Nothing like buying a $10 bearing & getting charged $9 ship!
I would change the LH axle bearing (behind the speedometer sensor wheel) for sure. Along with the chain case seals. The chain case bearings last alot longer, due to better sealing to keep water out. But it's still a good idea to inspect the chain case bearings, while its apart.

I like to replace the speedo side axle bearing every other season. The old one usually is a little rough from water intrusion, causing rust. If the bearing fails it often breaks the chain case on the other side, which gets spendy. Also its a real PIA trying to drag out a sled with a locked up axle.
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2ooosrx said:
I would change the idler bearing part #93306-20589-00.....we sell for $26.50

Bruce whats the Napa part # for the speedo bearing and lower chain case bearing? Also the lower chain case seal

The only bearing that you can not get at Napa is the speedo bearing. The inside race is metric and the outside race is flat not domed.
