problem with #1 cyl.


New member
Feb 11, 2006
Sugar Grove, Illinois
I just went out tonight and cleaned my powervalves, the number 1 cyliner has the cord pulled through and i was wondering if that cylinder will still run with it pulled through. I got it started and only the other 2 were running fast replys pleaseee getting 5-8 inches tonight in illinois : ) :winterrul

i am going to asume you are talking about a power valve cable pulled through the power valve. i had one pull through on my 99 srx 700 and did not know! they say that if it is stuck open you will have a lack of power on the bottem, if stuck closed -will not pull peak rpm. not quite sure if any damage could happen but IMO i wouldnt think so.but not sure. more of a performance loss than anything.
you're not going to hurt anything but there is definately a performance loss when one isn't working. I knew it right away when one of mine broke. One straight away it was running perfectly, turned a corner and bagged on it again, and it wouldn't pull rpm, just like flipping a switch. But yea like i said it wont hurt anything.
just got it started sounds like a beaut : ) i did notice a little lag on rpm gain when i gave it full throttle just sitting there, but its something i can live with until i buy a new one.
