viper 780 carb venting?

full tilt viper

New member
Dec 1, 2004
Southern Ontario
I'm about to vent down to atmosphere on my carbs. The fittings on the carbs for the vent lines go up vertically. Are you able to turn them down or should you just bend the lines 180 deg across the carbs? After searching all the 780 jetting posts it looks like the only person that recommends venting to the box is Jeff Simmon. He told me if i don't i'll blow it up ! What do you guys think?
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Vent to atmosphere

Here you go copy this venting solution. You won't blow it up unless your jetting is wrong. Also don't run Vari flow or other fuel metering divice.


  • carbs 001.jpg
    carbs 001.jpg
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I Replaced all the lines with new ones and turned them down 180 and rejetted from 165 to 155, waiting for snow to check the jetting. As for blowing up it should be richer with the lines vented to atmosphere
I just noticed one of the L fittings going into my middle carb is broke, how do I go about finding a replacement, are they just a pressure fit ?
