79 enticer problem


New member
Oct 31, 2004
milo maine
well like it says..

idles fine but bogs a little (i think its because im used to my sx) when you gun it it takes off for about 2 seconds full power WOT. after 2 sec of WOT it starts to bg right down until it stops. it will only go about 15-20 mph and wont gain rpms. i took the belt off thinging maybe something to do with the rusted spring on the secondary, same thing opens all the way up then starts to die..

i cleaned the carbs very very throughly jets and all. no luck. made it run somewhat better but not much to speak of. 120 psi in both cylinders...what is this?
check air box and exh for critter nests 1st. then make shure the primary is good and not hangin up. after that we get into wiring
Sounds like my 75' Sno-jet Astro 295. The engine has about 200 miles on it and started acting up like that last year. It has always been stored "plugged" from "critters" so it was obvious what the problem was.... leaking crank seals.
It's possible that there is a blockage in the muffler too.
ok so i looked at it and found out that the secondary was frozen. sprayed some pb blaster on it. got it unfroze and i can open it by hand. now when it was on stands WOT half the time the belt would sink down into the secondary half the time it wouldnt. seemed to struggle to get there. stil confused i guess. its like the motor isnt giving enough power.

what is the air screw and the idle screw supposed to be at?
the coil is cuttin out under load. or the pulse line to the fuel pump is goin bad starving the motor for gas. time to check both i think.
there are specs in the service manual for an ohms resistance you get across the leads of each coil whem you test with a meter. someone here probably has them at home.

i didnt say the pump was bad. one of my brothers has a 1978 et340. his would run and then quit. i discoverd what it was by accident one day. the pulse line from the motor to the fuel pump (comes from cyl next to fan on base of motor) had split on the bottom side where you couldnt see it. if you let it sit it would fill up the carb bowl with gravity. run it and it would bog and run out of fuel.

try runnin it with the fuel tank lid open as well. if the tank vent is restricted it will act the same.

just tossin ideas at you as to what it is.
did you check your primary clutch ? wieghts and rollers, sometimes they will flatten out and that will do the exact same thing you are talking about!
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yea i think that is my next step. i hope my sx clutch puller will fit in there. id ont really want to spend any more money on this thing....just a junker for me to beat on. paid 30$ for it and have spent about 50$ more. so i guess just suck it up and fix it lol. i love yamaha!
