SRX 700 squeeked on mag side


New member
Mar 21, 2006
SE wisconsin
Last year I was up north on a trip and got 21 miles in before i blew up. I ended up melting the piston and head on the mag side. It was the end of the season and i didnt feel like messing with it so i waited till this season. I went through all the possible causes and narrowed it down to a bad crank seal. The wierd thing is the bad seal was on the pto side, so you would think that the pto side piston would blow first given that it is jetted leaner to begin with. The jetting is 145 145 146.3 from pto to mag. So long story short i replaced the crank seals installed a new piston kit and head. We got 12 inches of snow so i decided to test her out after breaking the new piston in. I also added oil to the 1/2 tank of gas i had. I drove about 50 miles and filled up with new gas. I used 87 octane instead of 93 for no reason just forgot i guess. I drove about another 15 miles and then she blew. I was on a straight away that i knew well and opened it up to about 85-90 mph for about 1/2 a mile before it blew. So my question is, is it possible that my oil injection pump is bad and the only thing that was keeping the engine alive was the oil that i had put in the gas and since i filled up there was not enough if any oil to lubricate my motor. Or was it the 87 octane gas and high rpm for an extended period of time that took its toll on the beast. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post just figured i'd fill you guys in. Thanks in advance Jay
