Will an EPI 3/4 wide HYVO 68 link chain be compatible with the gears in an 02SRX? (With reverse)
I am going to leave the 70 link in for this winter, but I think 68 would be better, the 70 seems fairly long, unnecessary bending going on.
Just not sure if this chain is compatible. Thanks
I am going to leave the 70 link in for this winter, but I think 68 would be better, the 70 seems fairly long, unnecessary bending going on.
Just not sure if this chain is compatible. Thanks
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Active member
Yes i believe they are compatible. PM richierich to find out for sure, he does a lot with the epi chains and gears.
New member
yes they are .
Life Member
the chain pictured is hyvo chain, chain is measured by no of links wide, as in 15/13/11