where to splice in battery on srx


New member
Apr 19, 2004
Holland, Michigan
I added a battery for some accessories, and need to tie it into the charging system. where is a heavy guage 12V location. needs to be where i can still turn off the sled ( ie battery can't keep it running when i turn off the key ) :confused:

2000 srx

On the sx there is a line that comes out near the footwell on the right for a battery. This is a five amp line straight dc.
On the sx there is a line that comes out near the footwell on the right for a battery. This is a five amp line straight dc.
Don't think the SRX has it, as electric start was not an option.
Its the red wire comming out of voltage regulator rectifier on the SX (98) and yep there is an open plug. Comparing the wire harness diagram the Brown on the srx is the 12v DC line similar to the sx fuel gauge loop that is connected to the dc feed line red wire..

But I'm not sure it will work as a charging loop.
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find your condensor coils, they should be behind the shroud. they should have 12v going to them. they are batteries in a way. they absorb voltage spikes. check them first with volt meter, i do believe they are 12v.
I appologize for my ignorance, but on the left side (behind shroud) there is a cast module with cooling fins, and what looks like 1 long black cylinder. there are also two "potted" square connectors with caps that unplug?

there are some heavy gage red wires near the area.

what makes the most sence is to find the input to the "on" circuit of the key. and splice there. but the keyset is pretty sealed up. woudl like to find THAT wire soemwhere more easily accessible.

I dont want to tie into the coil so that the engine never shuts off ( unless of course the key switch pulls to ground???)

