Dealer Installed VForce 3 Reeds On 04 Viper HELP!!


New member
Oct 14, 2006
Upstate, NY
My dealer installed a set of VForce 3 reeds and spacers on my 04 Viper and now it bogs down, fowled a plug, and is running lean on all 3 cylenders???? The person I purchased the reeds from said to install without the spacers but the reed cages would have to be shaved down on all 4 corners in order for them to fit. My dealer and Moto Tassinari said to install with the spacers and use longer bolts. We opted for option 2 and now it runs like crap. Any Suggestions???/ The only thing I noticed the dealer did during the install is he assembled by using the stock gasket on the motors intake then the reed spacer, then a paper gasket, then the reed cage, then the rubber intake boot with no gasket. Is this correct??? One other thing my dealer did was he cleaned and adjusted my carbs while they were out he said two of the carbs were out of adjustment 2 floats and 2 fuel screws. I watched him and he went right by the book and adjusted the carbs to Factory settings could this cause all three cyl to suddenly run lean???

You can run a little water, from a squeeze bottle, around the reed/boot gaskets while the sled is idling. If you have a vacume leak, a small amount of water will be sucked into the engine and you will hear a change in idle. IMO, you should check your jetting and needles. I have used V-force in 2 sleds and did not have tuning issues after installing them. Hope this helps you.
Something about introducing water into an already dangerously lean engine scares me! Any other methods or can we determine the gasket assembly is for sure wrong. Like I said the dealer assembled using the stock intake boot gasket which is not flat then the spacer then a flat paper gasket then the reed cage then the intake boot with out a gasket..
Don't worry about damaging anything with a little water at idle. It won't do any harm, and you will know if there is a bad gasket. You can also spray Carb cleaner, or if you have a ascetaline torch just hold the torch around the gaskets and see if the idle changes. No smoking in the area wile testing with ascetaline, And don't crank it up, just a little is all you will need.
How about starting fluid will that do the trick or cause any damage?? I don't think the water method will work if the leak is on the bottom will it??
the way its together sounds ok, you dont need a gasket between the carb boot and reed block as the factory carb boot has a built in o-ring in the boot. Wont hurt anthing to try and spray carb cleaner around the install to make sure you dont have a airleak.
I would be willing to bet that if you simply turn out the fuel screws to 2 turns out from lightly seated it will again run good and idle.
So you don't think the non-flat side of the stock intake boot gasket up against the flat surface of the reed spacer could be causing an air leak? I watched the dealer set the carbs to by the book factory settings and he did say 2 of the carbs were out of adjustment floats and fuel screws I am just baffled about how adjusting only 2 is now giving me 3 lean cyl's????
Thats the way my viper is with v 2's in it. i had to turn my fuel screws out to 2 turns too. Maxdlx
It doesnt have anything to do with setting 2 of the carbs float levels, the reason its lean is the reeds allow more air flow thru the engine, so now you need more fuel. Lightly seat the fuel screws on bottom of front of carbs, lightly seat them and turn them back out to 2 turns and all will be well again. this will richen up your idle and low speed transtion into the pilot jet area.
you can adjust the carbs by the book when you make some changes to your sled. The Vforce allow more air as mentioned about.
More air = leaner running sled solve this by turning out the fuel screws to allow more fuel = richer and better running sled.
Dont be baffled believe in the powers of mrviper.
another way for the air leak is to use a propane torch(not lite of course) and let it run around the gaskets, if it idles up you got a leak.
The shere PITA that it is to adjust the fuelscrews is what made me make my own remote adjusters. Sure beats taking the carbs off all the time. Maxdlx
Thanks fellas! I just needed to rule out the airleak part before I compensate by adjusting fuel screws and you are right I just paid $80 bucks for my dealer to install a torque limiter, VForce 3 reeds, and clean and adjust the carbs so it is going to be a pain to have to rip it all back apart 2 days later. Oh Well!! it beats cooking a motor right?
it is fairly easy to turn your fuel screws into adjustable ones. If you want to know how I did it PM me. Maxdlx
Please tell me if I adjust my fuel screws I will not end up like "XpertXViper" with a stuck or busted one???
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Barring any air leaks around the reeds and spacer install. Is it safe to say my problems are carb related as this is the first time anything on this sled has been messed with. It only has 800 miles on it.
again, your problems are simply that the fuel screws need to be richened up, the reeds allow more into the engine and with the flat slide carbs they were already lean, simply have them turn them out to 2 turns and it will be fine.
mrviper700 said:
again, your problems are simply that the fuel screws need to be richened up, the reeds allow more into the engine and with the flat slide carbs they were already lean, simply have them turn them out to 2 turns and it will be fine.
That I will Do Sir. Thanks Again!!
