What makes a user a V.I.P. ?


VIP Member
Jan 28, 2004
Clarion Pa.
Just curious.... what makes a user a V.I.P. ? Thanks !

Most users ever online was 764, 02-03-2005 at 01:15 AM.
Legend:[ADMINS] [Moderators] [VIP]
Vmax540, 03viper159, 1TMF, 2000yami, 2001SRX=Fast, 2ooosrx, 700sx, 99SRX600, abrisebois, acnas, AIRBLUE, akrievins, amatosrx, B2SO, badsrx1, Bearit, berge75, BETHEVIPER, Big Gun, Blue Devil, Blue4U, blueblooded, bluelightning, bluemonster1, bluewho, brndnrsm, cacsrx1, canada 4, Circle M, clbrbb, Cobalt, Coles_55, daman, Dave_Vmax600, dcstewart77, diamond dave, dino3995, dlange, dnale, dynarex, EGGMAN, ekimsx600, enforcer30, EricMichael, Frank49, full tilt viper, greg, gtiranger302, guppy, iahacker, INLINE4, jaysV-MaxSx700canada, JeepTherapy, Jeff22, jimmie d, JOBY1, jtssrx, Junior, juniorm321, jwiedmayer, jwifferdill, JWPSXV, jwurl, LockportViper, Loctite2, LoneViper, longstrokerrx1, Maddogs700srx, Maim, maxdlx, Maxx99, maxzlia, michiganviper, michmobiler, midnight, MightyRTX, MikesViper, Millinocket Rocket, MNMAX, modsrx, motodave289, MrSled, mrtahoe, mulderdad, n2oiroc, newbe, newsrxguy, Nicko, NITR, NMMM700, nosboy, nosguy, nysrx, Orv, ovalracer, quebec#1, reddog mmax 700, rfandino, Riq, ritch698, RIVERRUNNER, robm2002, RTXer, S.S.Viper, sandmanmike1, scootsrus, seanmurphy26, seca, sj, skidooboy, sledhead6969, sleepin@theline, smokin george, SneekySnake, Sno-Xr, snowdad4, Sno_Racer_Xtreme, squarenuts, SR643, srv540, SRXer, SRXSRULE, SRXXX, stealth800, sxmax, Sxr700Bandit, sxrsist, sxviper32, sxviperfan, T.S.U.Filmz, tagoes10s, taped throttle, terret725, tntmax, Toad, Tombis, tomseal6, TopGunnSrx, trail viper, Turk, uofm, valin, venture700, vibeline, Viper-Rules!, viper7mi, Viperartic, viperking, vipmtn03, VmaX 600, vmax4rules, wayfastwhitey, woolyviper, xsivhp, yahadriver23, yamadude, yamaha98sx700, yamahagirl, yamahajunkie, yamahapat, yamahasrx26, yamaha_snopro, YAMAHOWIE, YAMAJOHNNY, Yamasquaw, YAMIE77, yammerhammer, Yammi Nut, YAMMIEGOD3:16

Mark / C&C PowerSports said:
i can never get it to work

Why would you want to be a VIP? Where's the reverse kit I paid you for on 12/30/2006. You managed to cash my check on 1/18/2007 but never shipped the kit. Anyone who knows this guy let me know how I can get in contact with him. He said he's a volunteer fireman and his name is Mark Copeland and he lives in or around the Presque Isle area in Maine.
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It worked I got his phone number and called him this afternoon. I don't want to go into any more details right now but I spoke to Mark and he said he will ship my reverse this week. I just want to say thanks to you, Mr. Sled and all of the TY members and moderators who acted on my behalf to try and get this resolved. Hopefully it will show up soon and we can put this behind us.
