Installing Viper Pipes

RX Buck

Life Member
Dec 19, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
I am installing pipes on the viper this weekend. I installed the rear heat exchanger but I also am hearing that I may need to install a different head gasket as well. Does anyone know where I can get one. If there is anything else I need to watch out for let me know. Speedworks pipes



Bender Racing Has The Opticool Head Gasket Your Looking For ..
just make sure you put some permatex gasket sealer on all pipe seams or else they'll leak..just finishing up painting mine and going to try that stuff out
Buck: What head are you running???? If your running stock I would suggest having it sent out to CPR or Hauck to have them mod it for ya. What they do is cut each dome to the same size, 24cc and change the squish angle, for a much safer and reliable set-up. Or if you have the funds buy a aftermarket head. Mega Power Perf., SRX heads, Speedwerx, or Peak Perf. Go in the order I listed, but Megas are no longer in production so you have to find a used set-up, which theres a set in the classifieds and I believe SRXSPEC will have a set up for sale from what he listed in the classifieds.
Good choice of pipes! Thats what I'm running. Pulled 160hp at crank with speedwerx head and their pipes. Heres a pick of my set-up
Snocrosser, what head gasket are you running. An updated Yamaha gasket
, a high flo from mountainperformace, or a Bender Opticool?
Buck, I'm running the Bender opticool gasket, never had any problems at all with this set-up. Got over 1200 miles on it with the pipes and porting. Good luck with it, you will be impressed when their on. Any other questions give me a shout.
