Ohlins set up on SRX


May 26, 2003
New Liskeard, Ontario
I have been paying most of my attention to rear set up on my 2000 SRX 700, have gone with long travel rear kit and tranfer rods. So i have ordered Ohlins extensions to improve travel, but would like to know what kind of settings you guys are/have been using, i can tell you mine are set very stiff(basically no travel) and let pre-load out to the minimum(advised by someone that this would corner better), but i don't think this is right set up...........Reaper
reaper, read the instructions from the extension kit for the ohlins, it tells you to run your springs soft as you can, and put your shock dampning to a softer setting as well. the stock ohlins on an srx comes two to three clicks softer than full stiff. the ohlins has 16-20 dampning clicks of adjustment. i set mine at ten clicks softer than full stiff, but i have yet to ride it. thats why they made it adjustable, so you can expiriment easier. did you get the tool yet? if you didnt get a set of instructions get me a fax number and i'll fax a copy of mine to you. ski
I had a feeling you be one of the respondents, thanks for the info, i haven't receive the tool yet, but i am sure it's not long, i also should be getting extensions within days as dealer called to confirm parts mailed out yesterday.....i did soften the shocks but was done this summer, so i too will have to tryout different settings early this winter, thanks again.....Reaper
Skidooboy, sent you a PM, i tried to attach pic of servo motor but not sure how to, tried, hope it worked, if not let me know and will try again......Reaper
