"NEW" Totallyamaha Posting Rules!!!!!

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Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
We at Totallyamaha are now adding rules to keep things sane and friendly on here.

Please use these guidelines when posting to Totallyamaha/RX1.Info, 1st offense may be overlooked but blatant misuse of the boards will result in the immediate banning of your user/ip address with no exceptions.

Selling items: Please use the classified section and/or the TY Parts Forum for all sales and requests for purchasing items. We'd like everyone to start prefacing your “For Sale” posts with "FS" and your “wanted ” items with “WB” or "WTB". We highly recommend this because it makes it easier for others to read through the posts faster.

Off Topic: Please use this forum (General) for all 'Off-Topic' type posts relating to things other than Yamaha Related Info. If you use another section in the forum, most likely it will be moved here anyway. Also, please preface those with the letters "OT" so others can quickly see that it is an “off-topic” thread. Again, it's just something to make it easier to navigate through the posts.

Profanity: Profanity of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in suspension of your account.

Flaming/Bashing Users: Flaming/Bashing others or being disrespectful to others will not be tolerated and will result in suspension of your account.

Advertisements: Advertisements for your Yamaha related business are welcome on Totallyamaha.com/RX1.Info sites as we feel our users can benefit from it. However please preface your advertisements with "AD" so people not wanting to read advertisements can easily skip over those threads. Extensive advertising or pushing others products for your benefit will not be tolerated without permission. If you wish to pursue banner type advertising email the webmaster@totallyamaha.com. Any of these “AD” types of threads belong in the General section.

Links to other Yamaha sites: Linking to other sites relating to Yamaha is welcome and encouraged on Totallyamaha.com in our links pages. If you wish to be added please email webmaster@totallyamaha.com.

Links to non-Yamaha sites: We welcome links to other types of sites as well, however we do NOT welcome links to pornographic or otherwise adult related content in the public sections. Any type of porn related issues may result in my hosting being suspended and this will not be tolerated. This will result in immediate suspension of your account if you are determined to break this rule. Be an adult and respect others.

Valid Email Address in profile: You MUST have a valid email address in your profile. This is for two reasons.. 1] so it holds someone responsible for your posts; 2] so I don't get bounced emails when the forum sends email to whatever you put in there.

We feel these rules will help to keep the board operating under normal conditions and will help those that call this “home” to get around the boards a little quicker/easier.

If you feel any of these rules are unfair, or would like to question why one of these items is a rule in the first place please feel free to comment in this thread and we will address your concerns ASAP.


Tom aka MrSled, Webmaster and Admin
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