importing a Yamaha Sled from the US to Canada


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
I am in the process of trying to import a sled from the US into Canada.There are a lot of rules and regulations involved.Seem to be solving most of the issues.I have a recall clearance letter from Yamaha.The vehicle must bear a manufacturer's valid U.S. statement of compliance label or Snomobile Safety Certification Committee at time of importation.Headlights and tail/brake lights must work,reflectors must be there and kill switch must work.The U.S. customs must have at least 72 hr notice with the paper work including title documents,registration and sales slip,recall letter and statement of compliance label prior to export.Vehicle must be prersented to U.S. Customs at the time of export.
This is out of the Canadian website for importing.Sounds simple right,but if one item is missing or not there,they will refuse to export.Have any one got some stories to tell me (Canadians) about their experience and how it went,and perhaps some info on anything else related to importing a sled.
I gather this is the compliance stickers they are talking about.Any tips or things you did to make sure transaction went smoothly. I am also having it delivered to my residence by a trucking company.That shouldn't change the way it goes at the border.


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It's a piece of cake. 32 of us went down to Haydays and brought 16 sleds back. No issues. The 72 hours notice at the US side is something you can skip if you want to. They are really more worried about cars crossing the border.

But give the US boys their 72 hours notice if you want to, then you have to pay the Canadian guys their $200.00 import fee (plus PST and GST). They might accuse you of undervaluing the sled so make sure you have the bill of sale with the name address and phone number of the seller to show them. They may want to call the seller just to verify the selling price. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE CLEAR TITLE for the sled. This is different than the registration in most states, and ensure that there is no money owing on the sled. Once the sled is in Canada there is no way for the US banks to repossess the sled. The Canadian authorities are cooperating with the US counterparts on this.

Once you have the sled in Canada and pay the $$ and get the paperwork back from the RIV, you need to get a recall letter from Yamaha saying there is no outstanding recalls on the sled. I'll get the number from a friend as Yamaha has a phone number for this specific purpose. Then you can get the sled inspected at one of the authorized inspection facilities with the paperwork in hand. Canadian Tire is one of the authorized facilities, but I'd recommend Kewatin Trucks. Friends have had good experience with them (they basically aslk you if the headlightr comes on when you start the sled up).

I'll PM you the Yamaha phone number as soon as I get it.

What did you buy????



P.S. It's not hard at all. If the Canada Border Services give you a hard time at the border re: the low selling price, remind them of their "Fairness Initiative" (on their web site), and that there is limited market for used sleds in the US. That's why the prices are so attractive to Canadians!!!
I PM'd YA.Anyways hows that tripple piped 600 of your doing,is it running ok now.Read you had some kind of heat problem or something with light coming on.You solve that or what.Pretty bad start for this season with the lack of snow.I took mine out just a couple of times only.Maybe..I say maybe,but I don't think I burned a tank of gas yet.I am still working on my clutching.Ordered new rivets from dealer,next week I'll get them and more clutch tuning.Almost got it.
If you have a trucking company bring accross border you will ned a canadain Customs broker at the border to represent you Are you clearing at border or having the trucking move " In Bond" to a warehouse for you, if " in Bond" you will have a bond fee plus a warehouse fee at destination thjis can become very expensive and not the way to import for most people, much better if you do it yourself. Why are you doing it this way?

Hey Blue did you buy that 98 mountain srx for 2000.00 that was posted on this site? I probaly looked at it 20 times.Located in Alexandria.
No blkmax600 that one I saw but looking at another one.Trucking company would be best for me.If I took 3 days off work to go get it,it would cost me more.There is a broker involved in this possible sale. Just trying to work out small details yet.
The brokerage fee should be only about $50 same with the bond fee, what sufference warehouse are they bringing it to? Are the clearing on a PARS and what broker?

yes, thats the sticker you are looking for, guess I am off the hook for taking a pic ;) what year srx you looking at?
I live in Mississauga and just bought a Viper from the States. The seller delivered it to my house at 12:20am today!!!
We did not give 72 hour notice, but the seller did call me from the boarder to confirm my address, phone number, and name while at the same time paying 278.69 CAN for the 6% GST.
The Form 1 was filled out there at the boarder, and I will have to send this in to the RIV office to get a Form 2 for the safety inspection. Set cost of 206.70 or so. Then I'll have to pay tax when I get it plated. That's it I think. I'm still in the process of doing all of this, but that's my experience so far.
Good luck.
that one from this site? I think I posted pics for that guy :) isnt it all modded up? its a nice sled, but I prefer the later ones with all the updates (00-02) nice sled though, either way :)
03viperguy said:
that one from this site? I think I posted pics for that guy :) isnt it all modded up? its a nice sled, but I prefer the later ones with all the updates (00-02) nice sled though, either way :)
Nope, I got a bone stock 2003 Blue Viper. It only had 515 miles on it.
I saw the ad on either TY or It was also in monkeyad.
Importing a snowmobile from the USA is easy. You need a bill of sale for a reasonable price. The 72 hours notice is only for cars, not for boats/trailers/snowmobiles and so on. If you are buying a real steal, you will get for 100% problems at the border. They can and will put it on a special investigation. I know it, had the problems when I imported a Yamaha SX230 boat. If the price is accaptable you pay the $200 and a couple of bucks for RIV (registration of the snowmobile) and you will pay the GST. You need to check the snowmobile at Canadian Tire for "safety", they will check the vin number, fill in the forms and you can go to the Registration Office, where you have to pay the PST. Official you aren't allow to drive your snowmobile until it is registered.
Good luck,

Don't mail anything to the RIV office, go to their site and call them. Much faster if he did not pay fee at border pay over site online much much faster, you can call them with receipt number you get online and they will send form 2 straight out to you.

hey there,

i am about to import a 2004 rx1 from NY state to ontario. How do i go about getting the recall clearance letter from yamaha? do you happen to have the number and do you know how long it takes?

thanks in adavance for any reply

