blue missile
New member
after taking some advise on to change or not to change. i started pulling my skid and track. at the end of the drive axle on the speedo end there is a key poking out of it about 1" can i pull it out so i dont break it off when i pull the axle. also after further inspection i'll need a few new wheel on the skid (bearings making grinding sound) and if i remember right for chain adjustment mine's too tight.
New member
Sure you can pull the key. It slides right in and out. It just goes from the drive shaft to the speedo housing, which drives the gears in the housing, driving the speedo cable. It's just a 2 or 2.5 inch key. For chain adjustment you just want to be finger tight on the tensioner. After that I always like to back off a 1/4 turn but that's just me.