leaking powervalves


New member
Sep 25, 2004
hello everyone. have any of you guys had experience with leaking power valves on a 2002 srx. mine are spitting out oil like you wouldnt believe. not at the gaskets but through the little vent hole between the two halves. another question, is the hole between the outer and inner section of the power valve housing supposed to be on the top or the bottom. all i can say is watta mess...


doesen sound right.. on top of the powervalve housing its small markers, there are 2 if remeber right, and they should be on top of the pv housing..
PYS Drip

Was this the first time start up and run of the year…or was this after a tip over…
When was the last time you cleaned them...and did you noticed it was after you had flooded it...how are you plugs...rich/lean...is the engine running smooth or is it rough...
This sometimes happens when you flood an engine and the excess fuel washes the PYS and gets pushed into the housing, then drips out…occurs also when you roll the sled…and most often when you fire it up after the summer storage and then you add fresh fuel with a little fuel cleaner and the go for a good ride, this all starts to loosen up the crap and then it starts to drip…
Yes the drip hole is at the bottom…I would check the floats level in your carbs and confirm fuel screw setting and clean you power valves and the PYS housing and make sure you assemble everything properly, then adjust your valves and you should be good to go…good luck hope this helps…

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first of all thanks boys for the info. i love it how we fellow yamaha riders just keep continuing to try and help out in every way possible. well to add to your post "theblues" , i did have some troubles gettin the sled going cause it had been a while since the last time i had started it but i noticed this last season while all things were working ok. but as you indicated, my vent holes are on the top and this was done at my dealer so all the crap is spittin right outta the top of the valve directly at the inside of my hood and all over the top of my engine and you know what that stuff is like (black , hard to clean tar) now i am wondering if my power valves guillitones are installed the right way as well. the larger cut away goes on the bottom dosent it? how many people have had to replace the seals and o rings in their power valves cause i wqas thinking that might be the problem with mine, also it shouldnt mater if the outside most housing is upside down rather than a little mess should it?... also just to add my sled hasent been serviced yet, it will be in the next couple days but it is running well. so maybe i did flood it a little but they still leak all the time.

p.s. what is the best injection oil you have used...

thanks guys...
happy new year to all
oops, i almost forgot, i have another question to throw at ya. how tight should the cables be going into the housing. mine are quite loose, is this normal what causes that if so. someone told me it should be tight and that may be the reason mine are leaking due to seals and o-ring wear. and once i replace these things my cables will be tight again???
thanks again
So the 2 little markers on the powervalves obviously have to be lined up with each other.... do these absolutely have to be on top facing up?? or does it really matter just as long as the 2 markers are lined up with each other???
You have to adjust your cables depending on powervalve location, use the 900 rpm method to adjust them properly and replace the o ring and gasket if they are leaking, then all your problems should go away
If they are leaking out the weep holes then they need the o-rings replaced in them. The blocks have a top and a bottom, the raised portion is the top, the weep hole is to face down.
theres many posts on here with regards on how to do it properly, first warm the machine up, then drop the rpms below 900, this will cycle the servo motor fully open (you must remove the black plastic cover before so you can see it cycle) Then after the motor is fully open, mark it with some whiteout or something so that you can use the mark for future reference. After doing this, take off the pipes, remove the exhaust flanges and put your fingers up inside, you will be able to feel the powervalve. The valve when properly adjusted will be flush with the rest of the port. Adjust by screwing the cables in or out, then lock the nut back down and reassemble everything. BTW, you should clean the powervalves before adjusting them, may as well clean them while there apart. Do this and you should be good to go!

Good luck
adjusting YPS

hookedonblue said:
THANKS GUYS, whats the 900 rpm thing??? i know you obviously are referring to a way to adjust the power valves. but how do you do it... thanks again


Read this post...

Also there is some good read up on oil...I use Polaris VES-2, but when it's all gone, I will use Ipon...my 2 cents
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Mine did the same thing on my first time out this year. Leaked abit on the clutch side motor mount. But took the valves out and cleaned them and didn't leak again.
