New member
ok so i got a 2001 srx 700 with 2000 miles and i want to change out the fluid in the chaincase. any tips on doing this? can you suck it out or no? i understand there is a drain plug somewhere. exhaust needs to come off. i got the amsoil chaincase oil.
VIP Lifetime Member
there is a drain plug inside the tunnel. i have a small bread pan(honey still doesn't know where it went LOL ) that will fit in there to catch the oil. Drain it, replug and refill. Maxdlx
New member
If you take off the cover when the oil is drained you could inspect the gears, chain, tensioner and bearings.
Just a thought,
Just a thought,
New member
so does the exhaust have to come off???
Yes your exhaust will have to come off to get ot the filler hole which is where the dipstick is at.
VIP Lifetime Member
I dont remove the exh. I just simply slip a peice of clear hose on the bottom of my funnel and fill it, simple. You can get the hose at any home depot or lowes store.
Use A.T.F AMSOIL...also when you remove the cover and inspect things out & are ready to close up, rub a little DOT 3 brake fluid on the rubber seal...& remove or peen over the end of the dipstick cause the magnet has a way of coming off and causing some grief for ya...
New member
well i took the exhaust off. as one piece not hard at all. i used amsoil chaincase lube. for snowmobiles. found the drain plug. that sure makes it easier. the magnet on the dipstick was very secure. i didnt take the cover off. was worried i may need a gasket. then i got bored and polised the exhaust shields. hehe
New member
It's not a gasket it's a reusable rubber seal that fits on the lip of the housing.