The Best Chain Case Oil

If you want theoretically best FACTUALLY or are you asking for opinions???? Synthetic lubricants work better than conventional lubricants... The drag coefficient is less with Automotive ATF than 90wt gear lube,,, MOLYDISULFIDE is WAY BETTER than ANY oil on the market... Energy release is the name of the product. You will have to do a search for it because i havent seen it in a few years in the sled market!!! gary O. nosboy

Nosboy I always add a little engery release too.I usually use atf with energy release or mobil 80weight with energy release.
I think they synthetic atf with the moly disulfide (energy release) is PROBABLY the scientifically BEST thing out there!!! (available to the public!!!)
Amsoil chaincase oil is 30 wt, that came directly from the amsoil tech line guy.I like that alot better than having 90 wt. in there in winter time,but its ok.
SWEDE said:
Amsoil chaincase oil is 30 wt, that came directly from the amsoil tech line guy.I like that alot better than having 90 wt. in there in winter time,but its ok.

Ams gear oil has a PP of -67,, she'll flow...
plus yammie calls for a 80w
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Interesting info,that is probably why they say more power with there chaincase oil, its thinner and easier to turn compared to 80-90 weight.

MIL-L-23699 is the oil used in most Military aircraft. It is synthetic based and seems like it would be great for use in the chain case of any sled. It has a temp range from +240F to -76F
