anybody running a a short lug" on a 144" skid?


New member
Oct 25, 2006
I ripped a hole in my 2" paddle track last weekend because I was riding in too thin of snow and the rest is a long story. I live in minnesota and we dont get enough snow here to handle a 2" paddle on a track so im wondering if running a short lug like a 1" of something would be a better idea in these snow conditions. I ride in the UP alot and i sometimes go out to wyoming every once in a while. I dont want to have to go back to my 121" skid because I love the 144". So im wondering if anyone else has tried this and what you guys think of this idea. thanks guys

shortstop20 said:
I'd go with a 1.25" or 1.5".
^im with stupid. :rofl: there are a ton of 144" x 1.25" switchback take off tracks on snowest cheap. i picked one up for $200 shipped. its a camoplast predator and works well in everything but deeeep powder.
those take off tracks aren't too bad.I have rode with a swithback up in the mountains with a 144x1.25" he held hios own and got stuck once in a while but he's mid 50's and not real in shape.
anybody know where I can get one? Any other ideas?

n2oiroc- I went to snowest and im looking into a couple.
144 ripsaw tracks are pretty cheap if you would consider a new one. If you want more off-trail soft snow traction, you may want a six-pitch.
