rpms light out on dash?

buck srx 700

New member
Dec 18, 2006
Pritty simple the RPM light is not working when machine is running obviously!
Need to know what to look for.
Thanks guys

buck srx 700 said:
Pritty simple the RPM light is not working when machine is running obviously!
Need to know what to look for.
Thanks guys

Take off your centre exhaust can and pull up on the wire loom and tug and wiggle it, then reinstall the exhaust and fire it up...if it work then ther is a rub through...do a search on this topic, seems to be a fellow t.yer had the same issue but just cannot remember what was the fix...good luck keep us posted...
Is just the backlight or is it tach function? The backlights can be pulled from the back of the gauge and changed. They just have rubber gromets holding them in.
jwiedmayer said:
The backlights can be pulled from the back of the gauge and changed. They just have rubber gromets holding them in.

^^^Right..qurter turn bulb or a #192 pull out i think........
