48/42 helix


New member
Jan 26, 2005
west central ,wi
I am going to try a 48/42 helix in my 02 stock viper. i don't have any studs . any ideas what secondary spring i should use? and what to set it @?
any help would be greatly appreciated

you can use the stock red spring, I would run it at 70 to start with. You might require a little bit of added tip weight in the front clutch as it might over rev some wide open on a long stretch.
sounds like a good plan to me. when i look at my secondary spring it is black. it does have a small red mark on it though. is the red mark the indicator of what spring i have?
That helix will make you overrev badly. Stock helix is a 47. Your tip weight is allready maxxed out at 4.5 grams & you can slightly increase the inner from a 3.6 to a 4.5 but it won,t be enuff.
maybe i'll cancel the whole idea. just thought i'd try something a little different and didn't want to get too aggressive of a cut since i have no studs. thanks for the input guys
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