SEE what we missed on the TY Ride.

I can make out viper dave's head in the first pic, who else can you guys see. Maxdlx
Are those photos from this trip or earlier ones?
Since they're crediting TY and we haven't seen any photos from this year here yet, I'm guessing their older pictures.
The trails where the flattest I evr seen oon the ty rides.They where excellent towards cattham or how ever you say it.
Thanks for notiicing Paul!! The first few pics are from last year. And yes, I am the LARGE bald guy in the center of the first pic LOL.

Viper_Dave said:
Thanks for notiicing Paul!! The first few pics are from last year. And yes, I am the LARGE bald guy in the center of the first pic LOL.

Good thing the sun wasnt out, that pic would have had one hell of a blur in the middle!!
"Who loves ya buddy"
That's awesome.....ALL Yammies! Of course, I don't know anyone, but that's ok. You know if you follow the theory of 6 degrees of seperation, I bet we've (michagn riders) have passed each other on the trails a dozen time without ever knowing it.
