Lifetime VIP Member
Alot of people been asking for it here it is.
15.6 rollers
Orange-Silver-Orange spring
53 gram base weight Heavy Hitters
Heel-Short set Screw
Tip-Big boldt 2 wshers(8grams)
54-46 Dalton or Micro belmont helix
Green secondary sprin set@90degrees 6-3
This set up pulls extremely hard had a slight less backshift thanstock but it's worth it.
15.6 rollers
Orange-Silver-Orange spring
53 gram base weight Heavy Hitters
Heel-Short set Screw
Tip-Big boldt 2 wshers(8grams)
54-46 Dalton or Micro belmont helix
Green secondary sprin set@90degrees 6-3
This set up pulls extremely hard had a slight less backshift thanstock but it's worth it.
New member
Sounds real good but what conditions will this work in? Is it only for trail performance or does it work in some snow too?
VIP Member
Any idea on a HH setup for a srx 15x144x1.5? Thanks
Lifetime VIP Member
Trail and lake racing.If your one of thos people that like tot race on the lake and trail ride your sled this is the set up.
Lifetime VIP Member
Madddog for a a 144 I would run like a white-white-white spring and a 51-43,50-44.You may have to play with the tip weight a little bit.
New member
What is the engagementRPM with this setup?
Is there some RPM you should not go under because of lack of power on the SRX?
Is there some RPM you should not go under because of lack of power on the SRX?
Lifetime VIP Member
I think the engagement is only about 3200 it's been a few years since I ran a stock srx.Not shure by what your saying you should not go under on rpm.I ran this in a 2001srx.Run the 2000-2002 8500rpms
New member
No what I ment was that on some machines if you have too low engagementRPM they are feeling slow and kinda bog...with a higher rpm it jumps offs much better at the start! At least it feels that way=)
Lifetime VIP Member
I ran a thick engagement spacer with that spring if I knew I was going to be drag racing ata ll that day.Otherwise I left the lower engaement.It launshes alot better and is better corner to corner with the engagement spacer.
Guys, do you think which ones has better back shift HC or heavyhitter set-up?
Lifetime VIP Member
I think heel clicker have better back shift.And have bettr beldt grip.