secondary sheave plates


Feb 26, 2005
New Jersey
Does anyone know where you can buy those stupid little plugs that cover the bolt at the rear of the trailing arm, and also, do the plates on each side of the secondary sheave serve any mechanical purpose or are they just for safety to cover the fins, just curious being one vibrated loose and almost caused a disaster in my engine compartment. Thanks for any input!

Trailing arm end caps can be acquired from Yammie, windage plates on Sec are there to reduce friction at high speeds, can be removed if you want.
For the trailing arm caps order (From Yamaha)
SMB-ARMCA-PS-BL (blue) those are for the plastic caps.

If you want the aluminum ones they are
SMA-TRAIL-CP-AL (polished aluminum)
they are all sold by the pair...

As for the windage plate coming loose. They are installed to reduce rotating mass. You could remove them or just apply a small amount of BLUE loctite to the screws that hold them on. Thats what I did and never had a problem.
Good luck.
Windage Plates

I Leave The Plates In They Reduce Air Drag. Some Say That With The Plates Removed The Clutch Runs Cooler. ????? Seems Like Yamaha Put Them There For A Reason
Can't find those trailing arm caps anywhere, dealers are telling me yamaha discontinued them, anyone have any hints or an old set laying around, thks, also , doing some repair work on trailing arm and got some white primer overspray on the black belly pan, any ideas how to get it off without ruining the plastic, Thanks
acettone should take it off, also check with port yamaha for the caps, they are a an ascessary. If your worried about the cover install with some blue locktight.

Laquer thinner will definatly take it off but may soften plastic, you could always try a test piece. I would stick to acettone or M.E.K.
Mek and acetone are what's used to melt plastic. So be careful here.
Rotational molded plastic should handle it. It's a bit more inert to solvents.
We use MEK and Acetone to make repairs in aircraft plastic interior.
It melts the cracks back together with filler plastic of the same.

Your much safer to use brake cleaner, or naphtha.
Keep the area wet you can handle.
Then move to next area. Using the softer scotch-bright will help a lot.
Green is courser than white.
Start with White.
Replace the sheen to the plastic with a spray wax, or a high grade silicone. sells the caps. Good service.

My secondary on my SXR600 has only one windage plate (on the helix side). Was the second one an option? Should I put one on the other side?

I also don't see how adding the platews reduces rotating mass (because you're adding weight)??? I can certainly see it reducing air friction, but they would also allow your clutches to get warmer.

I just a got order in from Bender and they sent me the 06 catalog. There in the catalog Blue, Red, Polished Aluminum $24.95
