Heated Shield Wiring Help!!!!!!!!!


New member
Oct 14, 2006
Upstate, NY
I am looking to install the heated shield wire harness on my 2004 Viper S no reverse or electric start. I know this Forum suggests I use the Blue and White striped wire for power but the instructions that came withthe shield says not to wire it to the hand or thumb warmer controls. My question is what does the Blue and White striped wire go to??? I could not make it out in the owners manual as I do not have a magnafiing glass.
use the blue/white wire going to the headlight dimmer switch, this is clean regulated power and steady supply.
I like wiring to the tail light under the seat. That way the cord hangs down between your legs and doesn't get in the way of the handlebars. It also tucks away nicely when not in use.
All of the lighting on the sled is supplied by the blue wire out of the main load control relay. This is a very clean 12V DC power source thanks to the rare earth and smoothing coils. If the accessory that you are connecting will use significant power (10A - 45A), I recommend attaching to the blue wire with a fuse. Something like a heated sheild can simply be attached to any of the previously mentioned sources.

Just remember that blue is the color. Any of the wires with blue on them are from the regulated source.
Bischof - I don't think putting the wires under your seat would work in your case. It would amaze me if a man your size could find the seat at all. LOL and teasing of course.

I wire the sheild same as you and tuck the cord when not in use in the crease between the seat as fuel tank.

Every time I see your avistar I think of my 9 and 11 year on the computer in a chat room typing to a pervert that might look like that pic. My kids are not allowed in chat rooms for that very reason.
Be careful to pick the right ground wire. I thought I was really smart and spliced into a ground wire up in the handle bars, and everytime I plugged in the shield the sled stalled. :shock: :shock:

Leave it to the electrical engineer to pick the floating ground to the CDI box (kill switch). Duh!!!!!! (Double Duh!!!!) Nicely soldered with heat shrink on it and everything. Run a ground wire to the frame.

There is never a dull moment in snowmobiling!!!
Mac said:
Bischof - I don't think putting the wires under your seat would work in your case. It would amaze me if a man your size could find the seat at all. LOL and teasing of course.

I wire the sheild same as you and tuck the cord when not in use in the crease between the seat as fuel tank.

Every time I see your avistar I think of my 9 and 11 year on the computer in a chat room typing to a pervert that might look like that pic. My kids are not allowed in chat rooms for that very reason.

Yup I always say what I am is a public service anounment. Next time your in a lesbian chat room talking to some 5'6" blue eyed hottie your more than likely talking to someone that looks like me.

And by the way the benefit to putting electrical connections under my seat is you never have to crimp them!
I also used the blue/white wire from the head light dimmer switch and a Ski Doo dash mounted jack. I installed the dash mounted jack in the heated grip and thumb warmer control panel. Oh, and I grounded the jack with the air box bolt.
I used the power feed on the LH side behind the cowling - worked great on my last Viper S, this one the backup beeper start going off when I hooked into it. lol! just make sure you get on the right side of it!

- Gotta bring an old post here...my shield plug has the white and red VERY fine wires on it. (see pic)
- The Blue you're talking about is the one in the middle of the picture with the white strip I assume. (beside the Green one)

- Which wire goes into the Blue wire, and where does the wire other go? (To ground??)


Never seen them white and red only black and red. But i would have to guess that the red is still hot and the white ground . So red to that blue with the white stripe, white to ground. I sure youll get another hit on this for confirmation. I know for sure your blue/white wire is right.
- Just an update...
- I ended up using the new harnes that came with my helmet.
- I got the ground onto the frame fine, but when I spliced into the blue&white, it still didn't work??
- Are these RCA plugs a weird beast or what?
- When I cut the end of the wire off to spice it in, there's a tiny wire and what seems like a piece of plastic under the sheath.
- I can't figure out why it won't work!?!?
RCA is primarily used for audio equipment. The center is usually shielded for r/f interference. Expose the center wire and make your connections.
Make sure that the blue wire you are splicing into goes to the brake switch.
This is the feed for the brake light. Use a multi-meter or test light to check for 12v's. When you have made the connections you can check it with a multi-meter or test light to ensure that the shield will have power at the other end of the cable that plugs into the shield.
The blue white is the headlight, blue red is the brake, but it shouldn't matter, either will do the job. Also, the shields don't care on polarity so there's not really a correct ground, just one wire needs to go to ground, the other to hot 12V. The only real reason to connect one in particular to ground would be so that the plug end doesn't short to any metal it comes in contact with. The center is usually +, the outer is -. In your case, I'd guess the white is the outer or best ground and red is positive.

Just to cover the obvious, you did test this with the sled running?
Wow Crewchief... You look so young in that pic!!! I guess that's why you are so good with your colors lol
