mrviper mentioned something about different jetting onthe 2000srx. I didn't know anything about this, can someone please fill me in on this?
I believe they recommended what came on 01's.
151.3, 150, 150
Stock was 150, 148.8, 148.8 I believe, same as 02. Too lean without the DCS system, especially if very cold.
I'm not positive about pilot or needle changes, if they were recommended or not, I'm sure someone will post on that.
151.3, 150, 150
Stock was 150, 148.8, 148.8 I believe, same as 02. Too lean without the DCS system, especially if very cold.
I'm not positive about pilot or needle changes, if they were recommended or not, I'm sure someone will post on that.
VIP Lifetime Member
srxer,those jetting numbers are incorrect.
The tech update book from 2001 has the bulletin on page 5-2
2000 stock jetting was 146.3,146.3,147.5 in pto, the 2001 jetting is 148.8,148.8,150 in pto
the pilot jets were also changed in 2001 to 40 instead of 42.5 as in the 2000, but the 42.5 are fine.
The tech update book from 2001 has the bulletin on page 5-2
2000 stock jetting was 146.3,146.3,147.5 in pto, the 2001 jetting is 148.8,148.8,150 in pto
the pilot jets were also changed in 2001 to 40 instead of 42.5 as in the 2000, but the 42.5 are fine.