I doubt anyone can answer this but...


New member
Jan 23, 2007
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
I'll ask anyways. I live in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and am planning a sled trip to Duck Mountain, SK (near Kamsack, SK....also near Swan River, MB and Roblin, MB).

Can anyone tell me what the snow conditions are like? Usually around this time you can go off trail and find powder 2 - 3 feet deep so hopefully this is the case again.

hay neighbor

I am from Regina let me know what the snow is like I am thinking going on atrip when I get a sled back together that was one of the possibilties
You might get 2' powder if you look hard. Hasn,t been any fresh snow for 3 weeks. Last year they had insane snow & this year is 1/2 of normal.
That's a little dissapointing to hear but 2 feet is still about 2 feet more than we have in Moose Jaw, lol. I remember going up there last year in March and literally havig snow up to my waist when I hopped off the machine. My stock Viper was getting stuck left and right but it made for one hell of day. Thanks for the help Turk.
Bumping this thread to get a more recent account of the snow conditions. I am heading up there this weekend regardless but would like to know if they've had any fresh white in the last few weeks?
i dont know about fresh white but i was in rhein (halfway between kamsack an yorkton) for their poker derby and there was plenty of snow there. huge soft drifts and 3-4 feet of powder along the bushlines, beauty compared to where im at. even managed to get a new phazer so stuck it took four guys to get it out (right past the handlebars). we made it as far as the verigin shack and a bunch of guys from kamsack said there was plenty of snow north of the snow palace and even more in the togo valley near the park. trout are bitin like crazy too.

dammit, now i wanna go.
