Track tension questions RE:2002 SRX


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
After I bought the sled,been going through things on it.Trying to tension the track.It is a stock track with 144 picks.Originally the sag was 1 1/4".With picks and high rpms,there probably is track balooning happening.So I tightened up th rear adjusters equally and trying to end up with 1/2" sag.Watching how the track space on each side of rear wheels are equal at the same time by turning the track by hand.The amount of thread ahead of the nut is equal also,but the left side sag and right side are off by an 1/8".If I keep trying to tighten right side more to loose that 1/8",seems like the track will start to shift over to the left more.The clips are still within working range of sliders.Should I just go with equal thread exposure,or crank it up more on the right to loose an 1/8".As long as the idlers don't start to rub on the knobs on the inside of the right side I guess.Had no problem on my SXR when I did it.Could track of stretched on one side.Ther is only 2780 miles on it.My SXR has mor then that on the new Rip-Saw.

It's been a long day.Been up since 5:30 this morning,it is now almost 12:30 am.Got to get up for work at 5:30 am.Will check the site here in the morning.Nightie all.
Leave your track at 1 inch (or more) with 22 lb load . The track should be as loose as it can without ratcheting. Even with the picks. Your going to burn up hyfax with the track that tight. Your concern should be alignment while the track is rolling, not so much the sag across the two rails being the same.
A 1/2 inch sag with no pull is basically the same as the 1" maybe 1 1/8" sag at 22 lbs pull.So I will make sure track alignment is good,side to side play when running.With track a little to loose,I could see the picks just slightly scraping the tunnel at high speed with balooning effect.The track was hanging down 1 1/4"(sag) when I got the sled,and that is free hanging.If you would pull down 22lbs on that,it would probably be close to 1 3/4 to 2 inches sag which is to much.
Sounds like you are right on blue!! I have my track between 1/2 to 1 inch of sag at all times, just as long as it is straight. 1/2 being tight 1 inch being loose. I wouldn't worry about a 1/8 of an inch.
bluemonster1 said:
(Watching how the track space on each side of rear wheels are equal at the same time by turning the track by hand.)
You should run the track on a stand instead of turning by hand for proper runout on the guide adjusters.
you should also measure from the hyfax to drive cogs on the track for a better refference for side to side. when you loosen your rear axle, you give a bit of play on the idler on the nut side. depending on how loose it is it changes things quite a bit.

Took sled out for a run yesterday.Seems like the track is eating up my Hy-fax quickly.Actually the drive cogs must be rubbing on the side of the Hy-fax wearing them down sideways on bottom edges.Noticed on the stand when running the track,at the rear wheeels track seems to want to go back and forth sideways..why is this happening.I have now approx. 1 1/4 sag with 22 lbs pull.The front part of the Hy-fax where the 2 idlers are seems to be getting worn down to.My limiters are set at 1 1/2 "..should I pull them up even more here.Even with picks on track should I run my track even 1 1/2" sag with 22 lbs pull.Don't you get a balooning effect with that.Another thing 2...should I tighten front shock ore-load to raise front to get the track to tilt back more,seems when on the floor the rear of track not totally touching,but I guess when I sit on sled it will go down.Need a good suggestion here guys.
I think you are focusing too much on the measurements. I run my tracks as loose as possible without ratcheting. I have my srx right on the edge of ratcheting. I worry about alignment more than track hang. You will also notice the srx's love to eat up the sliders to a certain point, then they slow down on wearing.
yep at 54.3/ft/lbsGot rail ice scratchers but can't figure a place to mount them without moving an idler wheel.I should move the second idler ahead of the first one which puts it close to the bend..wonder if this is doable.
yeah i did it and it seems to help. there was a thread on heere with instuctions on how to do it. dont remember what it was called though. wasnt that hard to do. maybe do a search or someone else can let ya know.
ice scratchers

well took off the second idlers from the front and mounted the ice scratchers there.There is room ahead to clip the scratcher over the rails.Took them idler wheels and placed them inside the rails with the bracket and it works super fine.Got my track now adjusted to 1 3/8" sag at 22 lbs pull.Ran the track with sled up on stand...looks good for alignment.Also pulled in the limiters straps another 1/4" for a total of 1 3/4" thread length to the back where the nut goes up against.
I love them ice sratchers..they throw a nice stream of snow towards the back of the sled against the rails and rear wheels.Some extra lubrication on hard packed snow conditions.It really does work great.
