Intermitent spark


Aug 24, 2006
Manitoba, Canada
1980 Enticer- pulled plug and pulled over- spark. Tried to start- fired a few times. Pulled plug again- no spark. Tried another coil- spark. Fired again then no spark. I can eliminate the coil as problem. Not to sure what the problem is. Any ideas? Thanks.
first thing to check on those is the tether switch, sometimes if you push in on the tether it will work. A good fix is to install a very small screw into the end of the cap end of the cord, in the riased center part, this pushes the switch in a little more and makes a better connection, try it and let us know.
before you just keep throwing parts at it, check and see if you get a good steady signal from the pulse coil off the engine, hook up a digital voltmeter to it and pull the engine over, should make a varible voltage but steady on each pull of the rope. This is what sends the signal to the cdi box which in turn sends the signal to the coil, the pulsar coils were pretty coomon chnage on thsoe along with the lighting coils, the wires you want are right down by the mag coming out the engine from the stator.
