Troubleshooting Viper poor gas mileage


New member
Dec 26, 2005
I have an 04 Viper ER. I bought it new from the dealer. The first year I rode it I got a pretty consistent 14-15 MPG. The second season I had some issues. I took it to the dealer for pre season prep. First ride on the sled after that it was very doggy. No top end. When I took it back to the dealer they worked on the carbs. I know they changed jetting to leaner jets. They haven't admitted to much more than that. My bottom end was good, still no top end. I took it back a couple more times. Eventually they figured out when they put the power valves back together they got the cables miss routed on the actuator cable drum.

After they fixed the cable routing on the drum I got my performance back. But, now my Viper gets 9-10 MPG. It is pretty consistent at that. I let it go last year thinking it was just the way I was riding it. I took my sleds to the dealer again this year for pre season prep. They cleaned the power valves and carburetors again this year. I checked my gas mileage again and I am still getting 9-10 MPG. That is uncorrected for the speedo error. With the speedo error it is probably closer to 8 MPG. Also the snow is considerably worse this year so I am sure I am riding it easier.

My last trip to the dealer cost me over $700 so I am a tad leery to take it back there. Anyone have any insight on excessive fuel consumption? I am not sure where to start. I have a set of pipes for it but I don't want to install them until I am sure I don't have a serious problem that will be compounded by pipes. But on the same token I don't want to spend a bunch of time and money on shooting down a problem just to undo it all again when I put the pipes on. My sled is completely stock aside from the jetting the dealer did.
Has anything been done to the clutches,are they clean no worn
out parts what are ya seeing for r's, is your track overly tight?

how's your plugs look???
I would set the jets back to stock and look over everything. 14 should be right for the viper. Somthing sounds clogged.
viper7mi said:
I would set the jets back to stock and look over everything. 14 should be right for the viper. Somthing sounds clogged.
I used to get great mileage with my srx too and the last too years mine been very poor as well. Ive been seriously thinking of taking the carbs off and cleaning them but just havn't. Could these problems be related to plugged jets or what to you guys think? Im not trying to hijack the thread but I doubt his dealer even cleaned the carbs. Im sure no one ever questions them.
I suppose the only way i can verify if the carbs are clean is to remove and disassemble them? I also read about air vents being plugged too. I am going to take it out for a ride. So before I go I am going to toss some new plugs in it. After the ride I will pull them and take some pictures of them. The plugs on both my sleds (02 Vmax 600) have always been very black. I buy a box of plugs every year because I foul that many. I foul most of them in the VMax.

The clutch was rebuilt this year. They replaced all of the bushings in it. Then informed me that the warranty doesn't cover that. I am so disgusted with the whole snowmobile thing right now. All of my "play" money is tied up in them and riding sux this year!

thanx for the replies
these are things to check, is the carb vent unplugged from the air box, this makes sled very rich on top end.

are the powervalves opening?, in right side up? and are they adjusted correctly?

if these two things are ok, try borrowing a cdi box from another sled, ive sold two cdi boxes to people that had timing that wouldnt advance.

also, did you install a track? or guards? camo tracks need to be clipped in yamahas with guards or speed and mpg will suck above 80
I have changed my track......I am running a 1" ripsaw. Does this track need to be clipped...and what do I need to do that.....I am trying to figure out why my fuel consuption is so bad....I don't think I can 100 miles to the tank of fuel.

I have tried everything else you have mentioned
If your plugs are black and you are fouling a whole box each year and your mileage is are way to RICH.
Like betheviper says check the carb vents, then check the adjustment on the fuel screws if all of this is OK then LEAN that puppy down.
My issues were much deeper than simple carb adjustments. I had severe blow by on mine. The cylinders and pistons were black top to bottom. I also had shiny spots on my clutch indicating belt slippage. So far my remedies have been, rebuild the top end, add pipes, replace head and add a set of heel clickers. Now at least I will have no excuse to complain about excessive fuel consumption.

My Viper also got rotten fuel mileage and came stock with the Yamaha Burble at no extra cost. Yipee !! I installed a Temp-a-flow. Problem solved and my fuel mileage increased to 16 mpg.
JeepTherapy said:
My issues were much deeper than simple carb adjustments. I had severe blow by on mine. The cylinders and pistons were black top to bottom. I also had shiny spots on my clutch indicating belt slippage. So far my remedies have been, rebuild the top end, add pipes, replace head and add a set of heel clickers. Now at least I will have no excuse to complain about excessive fuel consumption.
Do what you have to do but get your carbs back to stock spec's.
If your pistons are totally black ontop you are lean....
You need to have a little bit of clean piston top ( silver ) adjacent to your ports.
