98 600 SX - Oil pump adjustment ? ? ?

Silver Bullet

New member
Feb 1, 2005
Appleton, WI
I have just gone through an entire engine teardown after a ring caught the exhaust port on the PTO side cylinder of my twin 600 SX. I am pretty new to snowmobiling so I have a loty to learn. I have bled the oil pump and made sure I had oil prior to starting it up the first time. I also have a 50:1 mixture in the gas tank itself for the first 5 gallons.

The question I have is, how should I set my oil pump. I know how to adjust the oil pump, but everything i have read says to check the gap at the cable adjustment. I noticed I have two score marks on the top of my oil pump arm that the cable goes to. The arm has one mark at an idle throttle position and one at WOT. I have set the oil pump cable to be right on these marks at both positions. I bought this sled used so I do not know if these marks were put on by the previous owner or are factory. I want to error on the side of being too rich than too lean and have the possibility of loosing a piston in the process. My 98 600 SX has been jetted, boysen reeds, and piped. Will any of these effect where the position needs to be set on the oil pump? If so how do I know where to set it. Please help so I don't ruin an engine.
Am I way off base with this or shouldn't I have to adjust the oil pump cable. Secondly are the scoremarks on the oil pumps for setting or did the previous owner mark those - Also to clarify it was already changed to aftermarket reeds, different jets, and piped before I purchased. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know the marks are from the factory, and not from the previous owner. I just got my new oil pump in the mail yesterday and am going to be installing it this week as well. I will see if I can get you some specs.

In the manual it states. "Wtih the trottle lever in the full throttle postition turn the adjuster in or out to align the mark on the control lever with the mark on the pump." J
jwiedmayer said:
In the manual it states. "Wtih the trottle lever in the full throttle postition turn the adjuster in or out to align the mark on the control lever with the mark on the pump." J
^ this is the way you do it on a twin,, the cable measurement is
for the trips.
Thank you, Thank you

Thank you for the information guys. It gives me piece of mind to know I set it up correctly. Does anyone know should you advance for more oil it based on different jets, being piped, or different reeds?
Thanks again.

Silver Bullet
You could if you can't sleep good at night,but it is not needed,just make
sure your within spec and your good to go..

Yammie specs are always on the rich side to begin with.
Hey SilverBullet I just did my oil pump tonight and here are some specs for my 97 vmax 600(not sure if yours will be the same).

19-21mm on the throttle cable with the two adjuster nuts on it, this measurement is the distance of the bare wire that you will see when you slide the cover off the cable.

1-2mm on the thumb throttle lever.

My notch's on the oil pump itself lined up perfectly.

Before adjusting the oil pump cable, the throttle cable distance should be adjusted.

Hope this helps

Thanks I adjusted mine such that the score marks line up at Idle and WOT. I have a 50:1 ratio in the tank so I'm not too worried. I'm going to montior during the first tank how much oil is consumed then calculate my ratio. Thank for all the help guys. I'm looking to do some break in on the the lake this weekend - not enough snow here in NE WI for trails but the lake is froze. Plus it allows me to do some minor adjustments since the truck will be close by.
Silver Bullet said:
Thanks I adjusted mine such that the score marks line up at Idle and WOT. I have a 50:1 ratio in the tank so I'm not too worried. I'm going to montior during the first tank how much oil is consumed then calculate my ratio. Thank for all the help guys. I'm looking to do some break in on the the lake this weekend - not enough snow here in NE WI for trails but the lake is froze. Plus it allows me to do some minor adjustments since the truck will be close by.
Careful,,, watch your jetting doing long pulls..
I had the same thing happen to my 600 2 yrs ago. While rebuilding the engine, I also replaced the oil pump.

After setting it up like you already have, I monitored oil consumption. At the factory setting it used a quart every 80 mi. I turned the adjustment in a round at a time until my oil consumption is at 120-125mi per quart.

My dealer says 125-140mi per quart is a good SAFE rate.

And if you think about it,... 1 quart to 10 gal. of gas is 40/1 ratio. 50/1 is very acceptable, so thats still a little on the rich side.
FIB said:
I had the same thing happen to my 600 2 yrs ago. While rebuilding the engine, I also replaced the oil pump.

After setting it up like you already have, I monitored oil consumption. At the factory setting it used a quart every 80 mi. I turned the adjustment in a round at a time until my oil consumption is at 120-125mi per quart.

My dealer says 125-140mi per quart is a good SAFE rate.

And if you think about it,... 1 quart to 10 gal. of gas is 40/1 ratio. 50/1 is very acceptable, so thats still a little on the rich side.
Yea like i said yammie's oil specs are very generous..

so how far off is your marks then at WOT??
