Jetting a vmax 700 big bore?

jetting prob

what elevation are you at, if you havent bored the carbs, you more than likely will not have to change the jets at all, i highly recommend boring your carbs out to at least 38mm stock are 36 from 95 or 96 i believe. drill a couple holes in the shelf of your airbox at least 1" in diameter, advance the timing, reed spacers as well and check your center to center and offset , and you got yourself a fast sleeper, should run with the 700 triples as long as they are modded
I am at sea level, and I have a 1994 vmax that already has 38 carbs on it(comes stock I think). I thought the reed spacers made no difference?
where or what company did the big bore job??-they should have jetting
specs for the kit , or at least a baseline where to start! Thats where I would start first-remember when you change a engine mod like this you will also have to change the clutching to match the different(hopefully better!) Powerband!! Yes your 94' vmax 600 has 38mm flatslides on it, the vmax 500's had the 36mm. Remember your clutching-the primary is the yvxc-short spring primary but your secondary is the old ypz style-
I think I have a 95' and newer style reverse cam secondary that will retro-fit on your 94' if you might be interested-ALOT better backshifting and ALOT easier to work on.-let me know-Matt
