My Wife the Ditchbanger!


Jul 16, 2004
Brighton MI
Sounds dirty doesnt it? She rides it like she drives her car, full throttle! The 9830 and the C&A Pro ADX turned the SXR600 into an excellent machine. She loves it. We had our share of bad luck this weekend too. For some reason when I left the cabin last time I turned off the sump pump breaker instead of the well pump breaker and we had a basement flood.


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My wife has the same sled. You say the C&A's really helped? Why did you go with the pro ADX's as opposed to others? My wife's NEEDS new skis and track real bad. Which track is the 9830? Is that the rip saw? Thanks!
I like the ripsaw for trail use and LOVE my simmons skis. no darting and pretty aggresive.
ADX's came from Rich at the Novi show at a fair price and looked good. the 9830 is the 1" 6-pitch that many here recommend and now so do I! Got that from Bruce and another good deal. I guess we got lucky that they worked so good together.
Do you think my wife will go for new tracks and skis for our sleds with tax return money v. getting a new bow window in the front of the house or a fixing up the kitchen?

I'm going with a big fat NO.
worth a shot, can you really put a price on hapiness? and it is quality time for you to spend together. tell her you want to get communicators so you can talk to her on the trail too ;)
Now that I think about this, I bought the parts for HER sled with MY allowance that SHE gave me from MY paycheck... I'm a sucker for a lady in blue!
So there was a blow up this weekend between the my wife and I. Not to get to TMI about it, but we had to sell her 05' Vector recently and she's back on her SXR600. It's paid for and a nice sled, but apparently she got real spoiled on the Vector, cuz now she doesn't want to ride anymore. Which is suprising, because, she can ride a 250 mile day without thinking about it and now, none. I have to bust *** to replace her Vector...quick. Hopefully by next Fall and can get a older model for a good cash price. NO PAYMENTS!
by next year, especially if they replace the vector this coming feb 28, you should be able to get a nice 05 vector er for a nice price. hope for that lol! :)
