I am looking to go somewhere different. I live in lower Michigan and we have ridden all over upper and lower Michigan.
New York seems very intriguing. I read an article in SnoGoer that said Tug Hill was one of the best for powder riding. We prefer to ride off-trail and would much rather ride in the powder and open fields than ride the trail.
Does anyone have an opinion or recommendation? Is it worth the drive, which is about two hours farther than if we went to the Munising?
Any info on locations, lodging, dos and don'ts, etc.
New York seems very intriguing. I read an article in SnoGoer that said Tug Hill was one of the best for powder riding. We prefer to ride off-trail and would much rather ride in the powder and open fields than ride the trail.
Does anyone have an opinion or recommendation? Is it worth the drive, which is about two hours farther than if we went to the Munising?
Any info on locations, lodging, dos and don'ts, etc.
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New member
Well i`ve ridden tug hill my whole life and not sure where they come up with good powder riding. If you want to ride trails that are beaten to death every weekend then thats the place to go! I live a couple hours from there and dont go there unless there is no snow anywhere else to ride on. Yeah they usually get a ton of snow but there are thousands of people riding those trails and there aren`t many open fields that i know of to ride. Long story short...i wouldn`t make that kind of drive to ride there.
i have seen times on tug hill there was so much snow the businesses were closed down ...one time the trucks, trailers and cars on the side of the roads look like huge bumps, this doesn't happen that often...there is plenty of interesting riding look up barnes corners sno-pals or montague, this area is on the western edge of the plateau were the most snow seems to hit, ride east north and south from there....good luck
i ride the hill also and im not aware of really any place you can go off trail legally,to many people riding up there. they sure do get alot of snow though
Higher elevations towards Lake Placid?
What about the higher elevation areas farther North East towards Lake Placid?
Thought maybe it would be like a smaller version of out West without the big expense.
Any thoughts?
What about the higher elevation areas farther North East towards Lake Placid?
Thought maybe it would be like a smaller version of out West without the big expense.
Any thoughts?
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New member
Well i`m not real familiar with that area but i`ve never heard of any riding in ny that will be anything even close to out west.