Cant get my clutching right!!

sxer 700

New member
Jan 30, 2007
NDDN Quebec
i have a 2001 sxr 700. awesome sled i love it. However, i cant get the darn cluthing right. It only pulls like 130km and this thing should do way better than that. Heres what is done. Modified air box, jetted, reed spacers, a dual angle helix, stock gears, head gasket mod, triple aaen pipes, i can get it revving about 9gand engaging about 5g and it pulls like hell up to 130km, but cuts her off after that, any suggestions or just keep tinkering?
sxer 700 said:
i have a 2001 sxr 700. awesome sled i love it. However, i cant get the darn cluthing right. It only pulls like 130km and this thing should do way better than that. Heres what is done. Modified air box, jetted, reed spacers, a dual angle helix, stock gears, head gasket mod, triple aaen pipes, i can get it revving about 9gand engaging about 5g and it pulls like hell up to 130km, but cuts her off after that, any suggestions or just keep tinkering?

I'm not sure of what I'm going to say but It might give you and idea wichway to go or how to ask for this.....But on my 600 with the power inc center dumps I'm running engaging at 4200 rpm and not getting higher than 8200 so I wouldn't think is way diferent on that one....Just try dropping your rpm, I think you might be loosing power by getting to high....But I'm not and expert just trying to throw and idea...hope it help....Askfor TURK or MR VIPER they will help you a lot....
pm yamyrider. he has almost that exact setup on his sxr. i am shure he could help you get the bugs out of it. his pulls really well.
What are you running right now for clutching? My 600 with Aaens pulled 175 km on the speedo last year. If you can tell us what you're running for clutching right now it'll help. OR since yamyrider apparently has his running good and strong, just shoot him a PM or something.
modifying the air box isnt any good unless u runnin at high altitude, put er back to stock box!
On my 1997 SX700 I was running peak RPMs around 8750 with Bender Pipes. Any more than that and it was just over revving. Keep tinkering with your clutchs. You'll find your right set up.
Good News

GOOD NEWS, i think i got er right. Had a friend give me his clutch, tried it and liked. SO i put a set of 8CN weights in er and two rivets in each, threw in a orange silver orange spring, and three shims, engages at about 4800 and pulls to 8700, then backs off to 8500, LOVE IT> pulls to no end really happy with it. Thanks everyone for your help. i put the airbox stock and it dindnt run as great, so i switched it back to a modded one and did the head gasket, couldnt ask for better.
now we have to line em up. see the difference between single pipe and triples.
glad shes running good.
if you are pulling 8500 rpm with Aaen tripples you are off by 500 to 600 rpm and loosing a ton of power. Those Aaen pipes like about 4500 off the line and about 9100 rpm at WOT. I have the 2000 SXR with Aaen myself. What angle is your helix and what secondary spring are you using.
