what does it do and how to add or remove head gasket. I've read it all over but what does it do. Does it affect reliabilaty and how do I go about doing it.
well first off take your exhaust off and the manifold under that on the water pump cover put a small dish under there and take out a boldt to drain the oolant in the cylinders.Then remove the head nuts.take the head off and the gasket out.The gasket there is 3 layers drill out the pop rivets so you have 3 seperate gaskets.If your not running pipes you can run 1 gasket with premium fuel but if you want to run 87 octane and or have pipes run two layers.Get some copper spray a gasket from Napa or federated uato prts,etc.Spray a thin film on both sides of gaskets and rein stall them.Torque the nuts to the correct spec.Refill your coolant resavoir.Make shure you bleed the system in case of air pockets.